Thailand Recorder

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Medical & Health

Accelerating Efforts to Assist People in the Deep South Affected by COVID-19

The Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) has accelerated efforts to help various groups of people in the southern border provinces affected by the local transmission of COVID-19.

SBPAC Secretary-General Rear Admiral Somkiat Pholprayoon said that 78 villages identified as high-risk areas in the deep South have been closed to contain the spread of the virus, and 17,861 families have faced hardships because of the closure. A number of local people working overseas have also returned to their hometown and have been unemployed.

Among the five southern border provinces, Satun has been the least affected by the COVID-19 situation. The SBPAC has been launching campaigns to encourage local residents in the deep South to be aware of protecting themselves from the virus and getting vaccinated. News and information on the issue have also been produced in Thai and local Malay to provide them with clear understanding.

Royally granted kitchens have been opened to offer food for people in lockdown areas. The SBPAC holds a meeting each day to follow up on the COVID-19 situation. It has coordinated with several factories to provide jobs for those in need.

It has also promoted sea crab raising in deserted shrimp farms to enable local people to earn more income, as the sea crab has become a new economic animal in the deep South. More marketing channels were sought for farmers who were unable to sell their agricultural products because of the COVID-19 situation.

In addition, necessary items have also been distributed to the affected people as immediate assistance for them during these difficult times.

Source: The Government Public Relations Department