Thailand Recorder

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Adventure joins forces to report “Nong Nice Samjit” and others.

Adventure joins forces to protect Buddhism, filing a complaint against "Nong Nice, Chiang Mai" and the 9 people in the entire school who teach Dhamma by linking the mind. Distorting the teachings of the Tripitaka At the Central Investigation Bureau's Report Center, Mr. Anantchai Chaiyadej, Chairman of the Army Lawyers Foundation, a lawyer, led a team to join forces with "Parry" Phairwan Wannabutr, Mr. Thankhun Jitt Issara, and Mr. Ton Or. The Foundation is one Victim representative Filed a complaint against Nong Nice Chuamjit and a group of 9 people, including the Chuamjit office and the admin who was in charge of the Niramit Thewajuti page, on charges of the Computer Act. Introduce into the computer system any distorted or forged computer data or false computer data. Attorney Ananchai He stated that this time he came to report the matter and wanted to investigate whether the Dharma teaching group was in the process of deceiving the public or not. This story was the result of planning by Nice's parents. Cl aims that Nong Nice, an 8 year old child, is a special child. He incarnated as the son of Lord Buddha and the Naga and blamed the state monastic authorities. National Office of Buddhism Stay silent and take no action. Even though there is a law stating that Buddhism must be protected according to Section 67, we, as the Thai people, have the right and freedom to protect religious institutions. Therefore must come out and take action. Because the behavior of the Spirit Connection group is clearly illegal. Specify Nong Nice's parents and guardians. You should teach your children to be correct according to the facts. Instead, they support advertisements to promote and create stories for Nong Nice. Being a child has special powers and miracles. He is the son of the Buddha and the Naga, and this pair of parents also pretend to be magical gods. and raising money to build a meditation center Organize training to earn money which is guilty according to Solicitation Control Act Because there is profit seeking. In addit ion, it is considered that the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Being silent and not taking care of children continually puts them at risk of committing crimes. On the other hand, Mr. Thankhun revealed that victims had come to request to practice Dhamma with Nong Nice many times. and said that it was like there was a magical light, but in the end it did not see any results, while Prairie Phairwan revealed that she had come to support Lawyer Ananchai. in protecting Buddhism This case is seen as causing people to misunderstand Buddhism, so we must come together and support people not to misunderstand. Meanwhile, Achan Rakkhamram, one of the victims, revealed that he was a Dhamma teacher. Therefore, I am interested in experimenting. It is proven that meditation can connect the mind and that meditation can teach Dhamma. So he contacted Nice's parents to join in the meditation. When I first practiced, I saw some light. which is still not sure what it is So I asked to continue practicing a total of 5 times, but found that I couldn't actually do it. Ready to deny having anything to do with the Spirit Welding Center. Not an organizer of training events to connect various minds, asking society not to misunderstand. Source: Thai News Agency