Thailand Recorder

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After the results show that 10-year rice is clear if there are no residues, prepare to open the auction immediately.

Nonthaburi, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister reveals that he is waiting for the results of verification of 10 years of rice from 2 warehouses from the Department of Medical Sciences if no residue is found. Prepare to announce criteria for auctioning rice of OCS will get it at the end of this week or early next week. We are confident that there will definitely be private sector interest in nearly 150,000 sacks of rice. Mr. Yanyong Puangrat, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai), said that it would be necessary to follow up on the results of the Department of Medical Sciences press conference regarding the details of the 10-year rice inspection first. Did you find any substances? If the inspection results come out that No residue was found. In the rice warehouse, both next steps are expected not at the end of this week or early next week. The Warehouse Organization (WHO) will announce the criteria for the auction of rice from both warehouses or nearly 150,000 sacks immediately. However, the Ministry of Commerce previously talked with several large rice exporters who were interested and saw that Such rice stocks can actually be consumed and are of interest. When the OCS opens the auction, they will definitely be ready to join in the auction. Important criteria The OCS will determine that, namely, it must be auctioned on a warehouse basis without any division or cutting. Go out and bid again. The winner of the bid will mostly focus on exporting this amount of rice to sell entirely in foreign markets without selling it within the country. and before exporting to foreign markets The winner of the auction must take all of this rice through various steps. Both polish and mill the rice to meet the standards of the Department of Foreign Trade before being able to export all the rice to foreign markets as well. The criteria set standards for rice whether it is exported or consumed within the country. An agency of the Ministry of Commerce oversees it. If it is for sale and consumption withi n the country, the Department of Internal Trade takes care of it. And if for export, the Department of Foreign Trade will take care of it. which sets the standard criteria in quite a lot of detail Because it will build confidence among consumers around the world that Thai rice exported must only be good rice with high standards. Source: Thai News Agency