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ALRO Korat has been sued by the National Park Service Office against the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in the case of issuing ALRO. 4-01 Thap Khao Yai

Nakhon Ratchasima, The National Parks Department filed a complaint with the NACC and police investigators. Moo Si asked people involved in the issuance of the ALRO to be investigated. 4-01 within Khao Yai National Park, seeing that it was an improper performance of duties, in the nature of a movement to divide duties together , initially blaming the land reform in Korat. map writer and document inspectors certifying rights Mr. Atthaphon Charoenchansa, Director-General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, said that Reported to Pol.Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, said that the officials of the National Parks Department Evidence has been collected and reported to the Secretary-General of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on February 12, 2024 in order to examine and investigate the facts, legal issues, and prosecute offenders in the survey and determination of images. Plot of ALRO 4-01, which appea rs on the website of the Land Map and Directory Management Office (S.P.K.), the placement of S.P.K. markers and the issuance of a letter granting permission to use land reform areas (S.P.K. 4) -01) in the area of ??Khao Yai National Park In addition, on February 13, 2024, they also requested police investigators. Moosi investigates the misconduct of government officials. The accused is Mr. Akradet Rianhin, land reformer of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, who signed the letter granting permission to use the land reform area (S.P.K. 4-01), Mr. Wattawee Vilertrum, the author of the map ( S.P.K.4-01) and Mrs. Preeyaporn Permsangsukkul Document inspectors certify the rights of S.L.O.K. 4-01 and/or related persons who support the commission of wrongdoing. This was done after Mr. Chaiwat Limlikit Aksorn The Director of the National Park Service leads a team of NPS officials. Inspected the area in Hew Pla Kang Village, Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, where encroachment and land clear ing were detected. The intruders claimed the rights document S.P.K. 4-01 and found a stake S.P.K. 4-01 buried. Many within the boundaries of Khao Yai National Park. From the inspection, it was found that The area is adjacent to Casual Forest Road, which borders the national park. There is a fertile dry evergreen forest and traces of the use of wild animals such as deer, elephants, and gaurs have been found. The team of officials therefore worked together to dismantle the markers in the ALRO area. A total of 27 pillars and 5 district pillars were found, 20 mango trees planted to occupy the area were demolished, and 1 sign showing permission to use the land reform area was demolished. Then prepare additional inspection/seizure records to report accusations against the perpetrators and request the investigating officer to investigate the performance of the officials involved in the issuance of the ALRO. 4-01 mentioned The team of officials of the National Park Service was of the view that the perpetrators' be havior was a related support movement and that duties were divided among them in order to issue the ALRO documents. 4-01 illegally in the protected forest area. It was found that a document was issued by the ALRO. 4-01 overlaps with the area of ??Khao Yai National Park, totaling 972-2-79 rai, and there is overlap in the forest area according to the Act. Forestry, 1941, another 486-1-74 rai For the investigation, it was found that the issuance of the document S.L.O.K. 4-01, which overlapped the Khao Yai National Park boundary, occurred when Khao Yai National Park officials went on patrol on July 30, 2023, finding encroachment on the area and adjusting the condition using machinery This area is next to the road bordering Khao Yai National Park. Including finding a sign showing the document S.P.K. 4-01 The encroachment area was 3-3-93 rai, but no person was found at the scene, so a report was filed with investigators at Moo Si Police Station. Later, on August 6, 2023, it was found that plowing had been done to adjust the area and push out trees. in the original plot of land By arresting Mr. United States Thotsakratok and his team included 2 people, 2 tractors, complete with equipment for sowing corn and equipment for cultivating soil. Sent to Moo Si Police Station for prosecution. Later on October 10, 2023, the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Office (Nakhon Ratchasima ALRO) issued an announcement from the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Office on individual cases regarding the results of selecting and granting permission to farmers to utilize land in the land reform area. Nakhon Ratchasima Province (Agricultural plot type) for everyone's knowledge. If anyone wishes to object, please submit a request to ALRO. Nakhon Ratchasima within 30 days from the announcement date onwards, in Village No. 10, Ban Heew Pla Kang, Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The total area is approximately 73-0-37 rai. A total of 3 names appear, 3 plots appear. Their names appear: (1) Ms. K amonrat Khamchomphu (Mr. Adilak Phaochanthuek), area 20 rai. (2) Mrs. Phiang Tawan, Phao Chantuek, area 38-0-37 rai. (3) Mr. Phanawat Sirithanathipchaikun (Mrs. Nittaya Sathankit), area 15 rai. In this regard, ALRO Nakhon Ratchasima informed the village headman of Village No. 10, Moosi Subdistrict, to announce the selection results and grant permission. Mr. Kitisak Phromphinij, village headman of Ban Heew Pla Kang, Village No. 10, sent a letter to Mr. Akradet Rianhin, land reform officer of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, requesting to know the location of land plots and plots of all 3 persons as announced due to the names in the said list. Not people in their area. On October 18, 2023, Khao Yai National Park officials together with ALRO officials Nakhon Ratchasima, Village Headman, Mu Si Subdistrict The village headman of Ban Heew Pla Kang, Village No. 10, jointly inspected the boundaries of Khao Yai National Park and found that There is a pin on ALRO. Enter the national park area, 5 pins, a distance of appro ximately 300 meters. Later on October 20, 2023, Khao Yai National Park sent a letter requesting ALRO. Nakhon Ratchasima removed all 5 markers from the national park boundary. Then on October 31, 2023, Khao Yai National Park issued a letter objecting to the placement of ALRO markers in the national park area as announced by the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Office. On November 15, 2023, Khao Yai National Park inspected the encroached area. The area is approximately 1-2-80 rai, which has a stake set in the ALRO. Entered the area of ??the national park, 5 pins, a distance of approximately 300 meters, without finding any person at the scene. Report the matter to the police station. colored pig ALRO Nakhon Ratchasima issued an announcement from the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Office regarding the results of selecting and allowing farmers to use land in the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Land Reform Area. (Agricultural plot type) in the area of ??Village No. 10, Ban Heew Pla Kang again on 2 3 November 2023, total area approximately 72-2-27 rai, a total of 5 names appear, 5 plots include: (1) Ms. Kamonrat Khamchomphu, area 20-0-11 rai (2) Mrs. Phiangtawan Phao Chantuek, area 11-0-6 rai (3) Mr. Phanawat Sirithanathip (Nittaya Sathankit), area 15-0-49 rai. (4) Mr. Kritsana Lengwilas, area 10-3-56 rai (5) Mr. Sasikrai Kuljirat (Mrs. Sukmarat Kuljirat) area 15-2-05 rai Then on December 26, 2023, ALRO Nakhon Ratchasima informed Khao Yai National Park that From examining the coordinates for all 5 markers as submitted by Khao Yai National Park to remove the markers, it was found that the plot of land is located in the land reform area. According to the Royal Decree designating land areas in Sikhio District, Sung Noen District, and Pak Chong District as land reform areas in 1991, the land plots are located in a project classified as Khao Yai Forest. On January 23, 2024, Mr. Chaiwat Limlikhitaksorn Director of the National Park Office along with Mr. Somrerk Suphamitkritsana, Director of the Nationa l Park Division Conservation Area Administration Office No. 1 (Prachin Buri) Mr. Chaiya Huai Hong Thong, Head of Khao Yai National Park and Mr. Kitisak Phromphinij, village headman of Ban Heew Pla Kang, Village No. 10, along with a team of officials inspected the area where the encroachment was found, seized possession of the area where the markers were buried and issued a document S.P.K. 4-0 1 within the area. Khao Yai National Park The village headman confirmed that Names according to the list of farmers selected to take advantage of the land reform area that the ALRO. Nakhon Ratchasima has issued announcements 2 times: the 1st time during November 2023, a total of 3 cases, and the 2nd time during December 2023, a total of 5 cases, not residents in the area. In this regard, the village headman received a letter from ALRO Nakhon Ratchasima informing him to post the announcement of the selection results and permission. Come to know in general. There appeared a total of 3 names, 3 plots, total area approximat ely 73-0-37 rai, but he himself did not know. What is the location of the said area? Therefore, he sent a letter to Mr. Akaradej Rianhin, Land Reform Officer of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, to ask for the location of the land plots and the plots of the three people, as well as coordinating with the head of Khao Yai National Park, thus knowing. The area is in Khao Yai National Park. As for the issuance of the document S.P.K.4-01 given to Mr. Phanawat Sirithanathipchaikun I do not know and have never participated in surveying the area with ALRO officials. Nakhon Ratchasima, including not signing to certify or confirm the names of farmers or certify the area in any way From a retrospective investigation, it was also found that ALRO Nakhon Ratchasima issued document ALRO.4-01. given to Mr. Panawat Sirithanathipchaikun Located at house number 57, Village No. 5, Klang Dong Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. An area of ??approximately 15 rai on November 13, 2023, without the knowledge of the national park and village headman. The head of Khao Yai National Park reports to the Director-General of the National Park Service. Regarding the incident of encroaching on the area, planting stakes, and issuing documents S.P.K. 4-01 in the area of ??Ban Heew Pla Kang, stating that the boundary of Khao Yai National Park will have a long, clear patrol road. People in the area know that It is the area of ??Khao Yai National Park. From visiting the area to inspect the area where the ALRO markers were found. It is embedded in 10 studs parallel to the patrol road. The road is the boundary of Khao Yai National Park. Most of the area is a dry evergreen forest that is still fertile. And there is a large natural pond. That is suitable for being a habitat and a place to eat for wild animals. especially wild elephants Because the area has a forest that is not too dense. No traces of human use were found. For the encroached area which Mr. Phanawat Sirithanathipchaikun claimed that There is a document of rights to the s aid plot of land according to the document S.P.K. 4-01, plot number 9, S.P.K. no. 5238ll5008. It was found that there was a sign posted at the entrance to the plot saying, 'Announcement: This plot of land has farmers. Permitted to use land reform areas in accordance with the Royal Decree. The Agricultural Land Reform Act is legal. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to threaten rights.' Along with a picture of the document S.P.K. 4-01 that received permission from the Nakhon Ratchasima Province land reform authority. The area was conditioned by plowing and pushing out trees to open up the area for agriculture. There were 20 mango trees planted. The mango trees found were from cuttings in pots, believed to have been purchased from a plant store. Because the soil is covered with coconut husks and the type of mango tree is written on the stakes of each tree. In addition, piles of excrement and traces of use by wild animals such as elephants, gaurs, deer, etc. were found. At the end of the plot, two ALRO markers were found, approximately 6 meters apart. When aiming the boundary line back to the ALRO marker, The area is parallel to the patrol road. Make it predictable that It may be divided into lines to make a road in the area. Ready to order that additional legal action be filed against the plot owners for offenses according to the Act. National Park 2019 in logging due to a large number of forest trees in the area being pushed down. Including counting the remaining forest trees in the area for information. From the said incident As a result, on January 24, 2024, Khao Yai National Park reported additional charges in the area of ??the seizure and arrest case on January 9, 2024, against Mr. Phanawat. Sirithanathipchaikun and a group of 5 people for offenses according to Sections 19 (2) and 19 (6) of the National Park Act 2019 and for offenses according to Sections 11, 69 and 73, paragraph 2. (1) Forestry Act, B.E. 2484, because in the area it appeared that trees had been cut open, plowed down, and cut down. Found 23 pieces of wild hornwood and 5 pieces of Siamese wood, total wood volume 2.289 cubic meters. The investigation found encroachment on the Khao Yai National Park area and the issuance of ALRO documents. 4-01 within Khao Yai National Park, thus leading to a report blaming the intruders. Including requesting an investigation into the misconduct of officials in the case of issuing ALRO documents. 4-01 inside Khao Yai National Park Including related persons who support offenses against investigators and the NACC Source: Thai News Agency