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“Anek” confirms that no substance from cesium has been found in the area

Government House, March 21-"Anek" confirms no radioactive cesium was found in the accident area. There are no hospitals, both the university and the state, to report cases. revealing the establishment of the Forefront Operations Center to command the incident Allow full inspection time for the public's peace of mind. Ready to coordinate with neighbors to report back the information

Mr. Anek Laothammathat Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Revealed after chairing a meeting with the Secretary-General of the Office of Atoms for Peace that the preliminary information about radioactive cesium-137 in Prachin Buri Province There is still nothing to be worried about or to be careful. Soil, water, air have been checked at the scene of the accident, both at the missing cesium and the area where cesium was found. There is no radioactive value above normal or dangerous, however, 18 checkpoints have been set up across the country, both in the water and in the sea, another 5 points, all reporting that in Thailand, cesium levels have not been found that are at levels above normal standards.

“But let Chulalongkorn University and Kasetsart University which is a knowledgeable branch that has knowledge about atomic and radioactivity Go in and check. And invite the media to listen and jointly measure the amount of cesium in the next phase To ensure that there is no dangerous cesium content in soil, water, air. We must take it seriously. not to listen to reports alone At the same time, it will coordinate with neighboring countries to report back and report to the World Organization on radioactive data. Also acknowledged that the amount of cesium contained in the soil, water, air in the country around the house is not at abnormal levels if so. will feel comfortable,” the Minister of Higher Education said.

Anek said that we have yet to receive any reports of people injured or affected by radioactive cesium. both university hospitals and hospitals of the Ministry of Public Health cause more relief But he did not neglect. However, at noon, he would invite all the deans of the Faculty of Medicine of more than 20 medical schools to come to the meeting to order how to prepare and how to report back.

When asked if the area must be controlled first or not The Minister of Higher Education said that the area must be controlled first. It uses high-level scientific knowledge to implement and limit the remaining waste. Not using common sense which will be given to the Institute of Nuclear Technology Which has the authority according to the law to eliminate the waste, which will have a way to manage correctly and safely, which has been done many times, so it's not new

As for whether there must be a period of monitoring for radioactive substances or not, Mr. Anek said to take the time to the fullest to make people feel comfortable and go to check carefully. But the examination did not find that the radioactivity was high. Inspecting neighboring countries did not find that the neighboring countries had received radioactivity. Discussed with the IAEA that oversees the radiation all over the world still can't find the information, so for peace of mind it will give time to check. But it seems that people are more interested in this issue than the dissolution of parliament.

When asked if people in the area are concerned, they need to send officials to understand or not. The Minister of Higher Education said that the staff had gone to the fullest. There are many agencies that help each other and gradually increase. While the Bureau of Atoms for Peace had already set up a Forward Command on the site and a team of nuclear physicists was there, it was reported to be at a level not of concern upon direct inquiry. is still safe.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency