Thailand Recorder

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Another suspect has been arrested for opening a horse account in the UFA gambling website case.

The DSI investigation team arrested another suspect who opened a horse account in the UFA gambling website case. On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at approximately 4:40 p.m., Operation No. 3 of the Stalking and Intelligence Investigation Center Department of Special Investigation Under the direction of Mr. Wittawat Sukantharot, Director of the Center for Investigation, Tracking and Intelligence, together with the Khao Yoi Police Station, they arrested Miss San (surname withheld), a Myanmar national, the accused according to the Criminal Court's arrest warrant No. 158/2567. Dated January 11, 2023, Special Case No. 8/2023, which must be found to have committed an offense. Open or allow another person to use a deposit account their electronic card or electronic money account without intending to use it for himself or for the business in which he is involved in such a way that he knows or should know that it will be used to commit crimes related to technology crimes or any other criminal offenses. In the said case, it appears that Miss San, the accused, opened a commercial bank account for other people to use (horse account) in the online gambling and money laundering group. The gambling website affiliated with UFA was the account for transferring and receiving the money. from wrongdoing It's an offense. Open or allow another person to use an electronic card deposit account. or their electronic money account without intending to use it for himself or for the business in which he is involved knowing or should have known that it would be used to commit technological crimes or any other criminal offenses According to the Royal Decree on Measures for the Prevention and Suppression of Technological Crime, B.E. 2023, Section 9, the officers arrested the accused at the guardhouse in front of Cascomp Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited, Village No. 4, Sa Phang Subdistrict, Khao Yoi District, Province. Phetchaburi The official informed him of the charges and rights according to the Criminal Procedure Code, Section 83, paragraph one and paragraph two, together with Section 7/1, and also informed that he must be arrested and taken to the office of the Special Cases Investigator. The Department of Special Investigation is ready to record audio and video continuously while arresting and detaining until the suspect is handed over to Special Case Investigation Officials in accordance with Section 22, paragraph one of the Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Disappearance Act B.E. 2022. The accused according to the arrest warrant mentioned above has already been informed. After that, the accused was detained and handed over to special case investigators. Narcotics Crime Division Department of Special Investigation To proceed according to the law. Source: Thai News Agency