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Anudit urges NBTC to clarify bid for satellite orbit

Thailand builds Thailand, March 12 – “Anudit” urges the NBTC to clarify the auction of satellite orbits to clear. cause for suspicion


Col. Anudit Nakornthap, former MP for Bangkok, as the director of the Anti-Corruption Office (Director of the Thai Sang Thai Party) The press release noted the Broadcasting Commission’s auction of satellite orbits. television business and the National Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) with suspicion and many doubts that before He asked several questions to the NBTC and related parties. In particular, the NBTC has chosen the satellite orbit auction method. Rather than licensing it to government agencies for direct use. and then gradually granting concessions to the private sector to launch satellites to continue the business which most experts agree that this method can create more benefits for the country, but until now, the NBTC Never explained any reason at all, including never comparing whether Why choose auction? And how to bid is the best way? especially the past auction Only 3 companies entered the auction. And one of them was accused of being just a comparison to complete the composition.

“What’s even worse is that Business potential orbits were auctioned for only 5% above the minimum price, which industry insiders know well. Orbiter bidding companies get potential orbiters for very low prices. Compared to the commercial value that the private sector can continue to profit. This is different from the government allowing the private sector to use the satellite band for use under a concession contract. which the state and the people will benefit more Both revenue from concessions and direct utilization of satellites, ”said Captain Anudit.

Captain Anudit went on to say that For example, Thaicom 7 and Thaicom 8 satellites orbits that are currently having problems. While he was serving as Minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), he proposed the matter to the Cabinet for approval. to assign Thaicom to act on behalf of the Ministry of ICT in booking satellite orbital positions with the International Telecommunication Union only The orbital position of the said Thaicom 7 and Thaicom 8 satellites is still under government concession. This is consistent with the telecommunication business license issued by the NBTC. Issued to Thaicom by specifying that “The said telecommunication business license must be subject to the laws and regulations set by the Ministry of ICT.” Thaicom 7 and 8 satellites are still under concession. and asked Thaicom to pay a share of the revenue to the government as previously paid But in the end, the company refused to pay and made a written objection, refused to be under the concession contract by bringing this matter to the Administrative Court. At this time, this case is not yet final.

“I believe that the Administrative Court would consider this case based on the correctness And the benefit of the people and the country is certainly the main thing. However, it can be seen that The satellite orbit is under a state concession. will definitely be able to collect more income and benefits than the auction and the private sector will avoid and do not want to be under the concession contract Therefore, it must be asked again to the NBTC why he chose the auction method, ”said Col. Anudit.

Capt. Anudit said that he came out to check on the satellite orbit this time. Because satellite orbit is the property of all Thai people. Therefore, I would like to call on the NBTC to clarify this issue clearly for transparency. and would like to appeal to all involved parties who take advantage of Thaicom 7 and 8 satellites. All parties ask that you comply with the law. The regulations of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (DES) and the NBTC’s conditions that require the utilization of satellite orbits must continue to be under the concession of the state.



Source: Thai News Agency