Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Appeal to the military committee to find cause for an assistant MP who hanged himself at a military camp.

Parliament, "Thisana" asks the military committee to investigate the motive for the death of a former campaign aide who hanged himself in a military camp. Revealed that he always came to vent his suffering and pressure in the camp. It is not known if there is a personal problem with his girlfriend or not. Thanadet insists that he has not ruled out any issue. About to be discussed in the Military Committee. Ms. Thisana Choonhavan, MP for Bangkok, Progressive Party, submitted a letter to the Committee on Military and State Security. To request an investigation into the facts of the case of Mr. Khomtach Panrit, a former assistant MP, who committed suicide inside the military camp, with Lt. Thanadet Pengsuk, Vice Chairman of the Military Committee. Be the recipient of the book Ms. Thissana said she was informed that Mr. Khomtach had hanged himself in one of the Army's barracks. The exact details of the reasons for this decision are still unknown. From such events There was great sadness and worry. Especially t ransparency, fact-checking of the cause of death. It is possible that there are other reasons or motives. Including the pressure from the action or not. In the past I talked with Mr. Khomtach periodically. In which Mr. Khomtach spoke about his feelings of suffering and difficulties in continuous military service. And Mr. Khomtach has informed that he is close to being discharged. Therefore, there is no motive for committing suicide. 'I want the committee to examine the facts. The recommendations are: 1. The Royal Thai Army and related processes must show sincerity and transparency. by revealing the results of the autopsy According to the Criminal Procedure Code before the public or at least before the Military Commission. House of Representatives 2. Mr. Khomtach's supervisor Must show responsibility for the incident. Including disclosing information that may be related to the cause of death and 3. Must provide measures to prevent, correct and treat symptoms, conditions and psychiatric diseases caused by trai ning. and the performance of duties by the personnel in a comprehensive, thorough, efficient and continuous manner to prevent repeated incidents,' Ms. Thisana said. When asked about the Royal Thai Army, they explained that Motivating cause of the incident This was caused by a personal problem with her boyfriend. Ms. Thisana said that we have to consider from all sectors. whether it is pressure from military conscription Including various forced issues, including possibly personal matters. which he does not know due to lack of information and evidence 'You haven't sent a message about your boyfriend. But it was sent in the matter of pressure from his superiors who had continued to act on him. Therefore, I cannot speak about my personal views. But fellow conscripts may know. I cannot know and it is the power of the committee to ascertain the truth,' Ms. Thisana said. As for the case where the deceased was about to be discharged, what do you think was the motive for this action? Ms. Thissana said she did not want to make a decision because it might have an impact on relatives as well. I would like the committee to examine the reasons for this decision first. 'When working with me No symptoms Because living life independently Come help with both the party's work and my personal work. I just had symptoms when I was in the military camp. My younger sister regularly sends messages to me to talk about how she can't sleep. which is the primary symptom of depression I have to admit that from hearing the news I felt very sad,' Ms. Thisana said. Lt. Col. Thanadet said that the Military Committee has promised to investigate clearly. To answer questions from society Initially, the Army reported that the cause of the suicide was due to his girlfriend. It is the perspective of the Army. I must admit that there are many viewpoints. But the committee has not left out any single issue. The deceased's relatives were not impressed with the autopsy results. From this event This causes the military to be more mindful of such issue s. In taking care of the mental state of military personnel. Source: Thai News Agency