Thailand Recorder

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Arrest of an older woman in a gang that tricked her into selling products through Facebook.

Cyber ??police arrested an older woman in a gang that tricked her into selling products through Facebook and was a blacklisted seller. Victims have reported more than 6 cases. This is due to the victim ordering products through Facebook and then transferring money to pay for the products. When the money was transferred to the bank account under Ms. Supatcha's account name, it was blocked on Facebook and unable to be contacted. Therefore, he filed a complaint with the investigating officer to proceed with legal action. Police Lieutenant General Worawat Watthanakornbancha, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, has ordered Pol. Maj. Gen. Chatchapanthakarn Klaiklueng, commander of the 1st Army Area Command, orders the police officers under his command. Investigate and find perpetrators to prosecute according to law. When the police check the account Initially, it was found that there were more than 6 other victims who had transferred money into the said account and were blocked on Facebook and cou ld not be contacted as well. The police believe that There are many other victims. which has not yet been filed for legal action Until on January 19, 2024, Pol. Col. Pichienyot Arunphanthakul, Superintendent of Police 1, S.T.S. 1, sent police officers to bring an arrest warrant to take Ms. Supatcha, age 48, into custody. year, Saraburi people, on charges of "jointly defrauding the public and dishonestly or deceitfully Introduce into the computer system any computer data that is distorted or falsified, whether in whole or in part. or false computer information in a manner that is likely to cause damage to the public, opening a deposit account or allowing another person to use a deposit account without intending to use it for himself or for the business in which he is involved knowingly or should have known that it was used to commit crimes related to technology crimes or other criminal offenses' by being detained on a public road In front of a house in Phra Phutthabat Subdistrict, Phra Phutthabat District, Sa raburi Province, he was taken to be prosecuted according to the law. The investigative team has expanded its investigation into additional related cases. Source: Thai News Agency