Thailand Recorder

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Arrest of Nam Thom Assorted Formula shop, where more than 40 people gathered together.

While checking Found more than 40 people using the service, sitting and drinking kratom juice. Most were in a state of intoxication. When more than 10 officers were seen running away from the store, some were able to be followed. From checking the age, it was found to be a youth under 18 years of age, and the wallet of the teenager who ran away was found. Has an ID card stating that he is only 15 years old. Examining the restaurant's menu, I found that most of them were kratom juices in various formulas. Both kratom juice mixed with various sweet scents, as well as mixed with liquor. And there is kratom smoothie as well. The officials then prosecuted the shop owner on several charges according to the Public Health Act. Ready to be sent for prosecution. Source: Thai News Agency