Thailand Recorder

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ASEAN welcomes Thailand’s proposal to solve Myanmar’s problems

Lao PDR, 'Maris' reveals that ASEAN welcomes Thailand to hold constructive negotiations on the Myanmar issue, open to all relevant parties and those with adjacent borders to participate. Mr. Maris Sangiampong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, gave an interview after attending the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and other related meetings, stating that on the regional issue of Myanmar, dialogue partners have been made to understand that the Myanmar problem is an important problem. Therefore, the priority or goal that Thailand and ASEAN want to see is the security and stability of Myanmar. Otherwise, it will lead to many problems, especially cross-border problems, drugs, or online scams. The meeting of all ASEAN member states supported Thailand's proposal to see constructive negotiations involving all parties involved, so that there will be discussions in all dimensions and all relevant groups, not just minorities, armed groups, and the Myanmar military government, but also countries bordering Myanmar such as Thailand, India, China, and Laos, who will help support and push for discussions among all relevant stakeholders to help find a solution for Myanmar. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also said that the ASEAN Troika, or the past, present and future ASEAN Chairs, consisting of Indonesia, Laos and Malaysia, agreed with Thailand's proposal to see an open discussion covering all stakeholders in the Myanmar issue, from neighboring countries to countries with a significant role such as the United States, to sit down and talk about what we want the future of Myanmar to be like, while the action to solve the problem must be an internal matter that Myanmar will take action on its own. The ASEAN Troika also agreed with Thailand's proposal to have discussions among the groups of countries that have set up special representatives on Myanmar, which currently includes several countries such as Laos, China and the United Nations. Mr. Maris also revealed that during the bilateral discussion with Mr. Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, he also gave importance to resolving the Myanmar issue and viewed Thailand as the country that is closest to Myanmar and understands Myanmar the most. The US supports Thailand that it should play an important role in working with the US government to resolve the Myanmar issue using the approach of constructive interaction. Mr. Blinken also asked about the opportunity to resolve the issue and the response of all parties involved, to which he said that after the trilateral discussions between the foreign ministers of Thailand, India and Myanmar during the informal BIMSTEC foreign ministers' meeting in India, it was seen that Myanmar was becoming more open. 'Looking at all sectors involved in solving the problem, I see a good opportunity because many countries are starting to open up and see the importance of solving the Myanmar problem through open and straightforward discussions,' said Mr. Maris. Source: Thai News Agency