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BAAC holds a big event, drawing prizes for good payment and good luck.

Bangkok, BAAC holds a big event, giving away pickup trucks, motorcycles, and lucky draw prizes worth over 54 million baht. BAAC goes all out, organizes a lucky draw for the Pay Good, Get Lucky project at the national level, giving away more than 54 million baht in final prizes, totaling 5,360 prizes, including pickup trucks, motorcycles, and BAAC gift vouchers, to create morale in debt repayment and to be a part in strengthening debt repayment discipline for farmer customers, aiming to reduce debt burden and solve debt problems sustainably. There are farmer customers who have received the rights from debt repayment and principal repayment from October 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024, totaling more than 2.97 million. Mr. Sunan Pongprayoon, Assistant Manager of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), presided over the national lucky draw of the Pay Good, Get Lucky project to boost the morale of farmer customers to change their behavior and build debt payment discipline, leading to a sustainabl e solution of household debt problems in accordance with the government and Bank of Thailand (BOT) policies. In this lucky draw, the bank will combine the customers' debt payment rights with the customers' rights to pay the accumulated principal from October 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024. There are 2.97 million farmer customers who have received the right to win the lucky draw, totaling 5,360 prizes, consisting of 10 Toyota Hilux Revo Z edition pickup trucks, 100 Yamaha Finn UBS version 2023 motorcycles, and 50 BAAC gift vouchers worth 100,000 baht, 300 worth 30,000 baht, 900 worth 10,000 baht, and 4,000 worth 5,000 baht, totaling over 54 million baht. From the first draw to this time, BAAC has received great cooperation from the Government Lottery Office in spinning the winning numbers for the lucky winners, totaling 48,000 prizes, totaling over 483 million baht. All BAAC awards aim to promote careers and bring good fortune to reduce debt burdens to build financial immunity, such as pickup trucks used for busines s and agricultural product transport, BAAC gift vouchers used to repay BAAC loans, both for personal or family debt repayment, and for purchasing various products or services from BAAC, such as savings bonds, digital bonds, life insurance deposit products, and purchasing products from A-Shop (other conditions are as specified by the bank). Dr. Somrasmi Chantrat, Director of Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research, was honored to be the chairman of the award ceremony at the BAAC Tower Building, Head Office, Bangkok, from July 30-31, 2024. The BAAC will announce the names of the lucky winners via the BAAC Mobile application, website, and posted at BAAC branches nationwide within 15 days after the draw. Customers who join the draw in each round will receive only one prize of the highest value and can confirm their rights at the BAAC branch where they signed the loan contract by bringing their ID card, house registration, and a copy of it to confirm within the working day and time within 9 0 days after the announcement. For the pickup truck prize, it can be claimed at the BAAC Head Office in Bangkok. The motorcycle prize can be claimed at the BAAC office in the province where your name is registered. The BAAC Gift Voucher can be claimed at the BAAC branch where you are a customer. However, if the deadline is exceeded, the bank will consider that the right has been waived and the prize will be given to a charity organization. The prize cannot be exchanged for other prizes or cash. Source: Thai News Agency