Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

BAAC joins hands with 14 agencies to develop information to solve debt problems

Bangkok, March 17 – BAAC joins forces with 14 agencies to develop information to solve farmers' debt problems. drive public policy together

Mr. Thanarat Ngamvalairat, Manager of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), attended the signing ceremony of a memorandum of cooperation in developing a database to solve Thai farmers' debt problems. together with executives from 14 related agencies, namely Bank of Thailand, Office of the Permanent Secretary for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Rice Department, Land Development Department, Department of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Extension, Department of Cooperative Promotion, Office of Agricultural Economics, Rubber Authority of Thailand, Office of the Permanent Secretary Finance, Community Development Department, National Village and Urban Community Fund Office, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center and Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee at the Bank of Thailand Learning Center

This collaboration focuses on developing a database of Thai farmers to reflect the financial status and economic potential of households. from collecting and linking databases Upgrading the development and utilization of databases to drive public policies together, whereby the BOT will be the center of maintenance of such databases. income and welfare information Liabilities and assets information risk information and information on the potential of farming

In transmitting such information, NECTEC will develop a mechanism to mask the identity of the identity card number information. and coordinate with all agencies that own the data Used to conceal identity before delivering to the BOT for security purposes. And build confidence with customers who continue to use the service.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency