Thailand Recorder

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Bangkok has dense PM 2.5 dust. Outdoor activities are prohibited.

Bangkok, The Office of the Educational Service Area reiterates that the air buoyancy ceiling is low in Bangkok - the surrounding area, dust accumulates densely. Ask people to refrain from outdoor activities. and refrain from dust-generating activities The Air Pollution Problem Solving Communication Center (AMC) reported on the air quality situation on February 15, 2024, found factors that cause dust to exceed standard values ??in Bangkok and surrounding areas. It comes from fluctuating meteorological conditions. Makes the air ceiling much lower It is at a level near the surface. together with the wind speed being quite low causing dust to accumulate more densely, Pol. Gen. Patcharawat Wongsuwan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Followed the meteorological conditions. PM2.5 dust situation and concern for the health of the people Emphasize strict control over dust sources. as well as monitoring and taking care of the health of the people as best as possible Air quality s ituation Many areas had PM2.5 dust values ??exceeding the standard, including the Bangkok and surrounding area, which measured 35.1 - 81.9 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/cubic meter), the northern region 19.2 - 91.4 µg/cubic meter. . Northeastern region 31.3 - 77.6 micrograms/cubic meter. Central and western regions 53.2 - 114.0 micrograms/cubic meter and eastern regions 45.1 - 86.5 micrograms/cubic meter (standard value not more than 37.5 micrograms/cubic meter) Heat spot data from GISTDA: Thailand has a total of 1,712 hot spots, including 1,073 in forest areas, 220 in rice fields, 167 in other agricultural areas, 81 in corn, 64 in sugarcane, and 107 in others. Most of them are found in forest areas. Including hot spots in neighboring Cambodia, there are as many as 2,591 hot spots. The air quality situation in Bangkok is likely to continue to decline. Due to the wind changing direction It will blow from the southwest to the northeast. This causes small dust particles to be blown away from the area, especial ly during February 17-18, thus causing PM2.5 dust particles to decrease. Requesting cooperation to reduce dust emissions at the source of pollution. Reduce or refrain from using cars. By turning to use public transportation Maintain your engine regularly, especially diesel engines. and prohibit all types of burning For in the area Bangkok and surrounding areas I wish all the people Refrain from doing outdoor activities Always wear a dust mask when outdoors. If you have any unusual symptoms, hurry to see a doctor. People can follow the situation through the websites and, the Air4Thai and Life Dee applications, and if they need health information, they can inquire at the Department of Health hotline 1478. Yes. Source: Thai News Agency