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Be sure before sharing: 10 benefits from radishes, are they true?

On social media, share 10 benefits of radishes. From flushing out toxins, losing weight, curing bloating, relieving inflammation, diuretic, treating colds, strengthening the immune system, nourishing the lungs, nourishing the skin, and treating blemishes. ?? Check with Asst. Prof. Dr. Sudathip Saetan, Department of Food Science and Technology. Faculty of Agro-Industry Kasetsart University Some of it is true, some of it has no information that can tell if it is true or not. 1. Radishes flush out toxins and are rich in fiber? Radishes are high in fiber. Help with excretion The excretion process is the natural removal of toxins from the body. Studies have found that radish extract helps increase the liver's ability to eliminate toxins. To date, there have been no studies in people showing that radishes help flush out toxins. 2. Radishes help you lose weight because they are low in energy and high in fiber. True... Radish is a vegetable, contains water and fiber, which helps people to eat full. But eatin g radishes alone cannot seriously help you lose weight. In this regard, eating radishes alone will help you lose weight. What follows is that it causes the body to lack nutrients. 3. Radish relieves bloating, flatulence and constipation. half true Radishes help make the digestive system better. But there is no information that says radishes can help reduce bloating. 4. Radish relieves inflammation. mechanisms in the body inflammation of the body Caused by more free radicals Radish Extract Or the juice squeezed from radishes contains substances that act as antioxidants. Therefore, if you say that it actually reduces cell inflammation, it is possible, but there has been no report that radish extract reduces muscle inflammation. 5. Radish is a diuretic. At this point, there is no information on whether radish extract water actually helps with diuresis or not. 6. Radishes relieve cold symptoms because they contain vitamin C. Radishes are high in vitamin C. But if you say that you boil radishes and eat t hem to cure the flu. Or hope to get vitamin C from boiled radish juice. I must say that vitamin C has almost completely disappeared. Because vitamin C is quite easily lost when exposed to heat. Radishes may cure colds because they contain certain antioxidants in them. Another thing: curing a cold partly comes from the body's immune system. Because radishes are high in fiber. and contains compounds that may affect the body's immune system More research needs to be found. 7. Radishes strengthen the immune system. Research has shown that radishes work as a prebiotic. This means that it promotes the growth of microorganisms in the intestines. When is the gut microbiome working well? have the appropriate level Can promote the immune system of the owner of the body. 8. Radishes nourish the lungs. It has been reported that radish leaf extract helps make lung cells work better. May help nourish the lungs. But there is no research on the radish itself. 9. Radishes nourish the skin because they contain a lot of water. Radishes contain a lot of water, vitamins and minerals. It is said that radishes help make the skin moisturized and smooth. There is no information here yet. 10. Radish freshly squeezed juice treats blemishes. There has been research on extracting radishes with methanol. or ethyl acetate (ethyl acetate) to extract certain substances from radishes It has been reported that the extract helps inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase. The enzyme tyrosinase stimulates skin cells to produce pigment. It has the effect of inhibiting this enzyme. But there have been no studies conducted on people. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply the juice from radish to treat blemishes. Because there is still no research in people to confirm its safety. And you must be careful of allergies to certain substances in radishes. Radish is a vegetable that has many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Can be used to cook a variety of dishes. But radishes are not medicine. Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi Compiled by K omsthanon Sukajjasakul See more items Be sure before sharing: 10 benefits from radishes, are they true? Definite list before sharing: Is it true that radish cleanses blood vessels, nourishes the heart, wards off cancer? Source: Thai News Agency