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Be sure before sharing: Are these 10 properties of mango leaves true?

On social media , 10 medicinal properties of mango leaves are being shared. They range from helping to reduce blood sugar levels to helping treat dysentery. ?? Check the facts with experts. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Savita Jiwchinda, Department of Food Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University 10 beneficial properties of mango leaves that are shared It is the method of "Ayurveda" which is the traditional medicine science of India. Some effects have studies that confirm the effects of their use in Ayurveda. But some of its effects currently do not have any studies supporting them. Mango leaves: can control diabetes. Studies have shown that mango leaf extract can inhibit enzymes in the small intestine. It helps slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, so it can slow down the increase in blood sugar levels. As for safety, fresh mango leaves (young shoots) are already eaten as food. From toxicity studies in rats It was found that mango leaf extract is safe and can be eaten. If you don't eat t oo much, there is no danger to the body. Should mango leaves not be used as the main treatment for diabetes ? If you want to use mango leaves to treat diabetes. It should be a joint treatment. and consult with a specialist doctor as well Personally, I think it should be treated along with modern medicine. And don't expect only mango leaf tea. The important thing that everyone should do is adjust health behaviors (food, eating methods, and exercise). Mango leaves: can dissolve gallbladder and kidney stones ? There has been no research on this matter. Therefore it is not recommended to do so. Mango leaves : help with the respiratory system? The same is true for kidney stones. From the search, mango leaf extract was not found to have any effect on helping the respiratory tract. Mango leaves : reduce ear pain? From searching, there is still no research to support it. Mango leaves : can relieve hiccups? Ayurveda records that Put the mango leaves on fire. Then he inhaled the smoke from the fire. It will help stop hiccups. Because 'hiccup' is not a serious disease, it can be tried but results are not guaranteed. Because it is an ancient use Mango leaves : reduce the risk of high blood pressure? There has been research done in test tubes and in mice. Compare study results between diabetes and high blood pressure. It was found that diabetes was more Therefore, its effect on lowering blood pressure is not yet recommended. Because the results of the study are still few. Mango leaves : make you feel rejuvenated? Traditional Indian Ayurveda uses mango leaf tea as a tonic (to stimulate the mind) to relieve fatigue and make you feel better. Mango leaf tea contains a large amount of polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. (antioxidant) This point may be the part that makes drinking feel refreshed. animated Mango leaves : can cure dysentery? 'Dysentery' is a disease caused by Shigella. The antimicrobial effects of mango leaf extracts have been studied. By comparing with the modern medicine used to trea t dysentery, Ciprofloxacin. (Ciprofloxacin) It appears that mango leaf extract must be used in higher concentrations, approximately 200 times higher than Ciprofloxacin. Therefore, in the case of dysentery It is recommended that you take modern medicine. Mango leaves : Can they treat burns and blisters? It is recommended to use boiled mango leaves in hot water. Then rub it and apply it to the wound. It will help heal blisters, burns, and scalds. However, there are various modern medicines that can be used to treat burns, scalds, and blisters that are more effective and more effective. Mango leaves : can prevent various diseases related to the stomach? This study is in the same group. It's like dysentery. If, say, severe diarrhea is caused by dysentery, it is better to use modern medicine. Therefore, it can be concluded that the 10 properties of "mango leaves" should not be shared further. Because some of them are really ancient uses and there is no current research to support them. In another case, sup pose a diabetic patient sees these messages. I want to drink mango leaf tea to treat diabetes. and stop current treatment immediately It will certainly not be beneficial to diabetic patients. Benefits of using herbs You must choose the one that matches your disease. and use it appropriately Interview by Natthi Wattanakul Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul See more sure items before sharing. Be sure before sharing: Are these 10 properties of mango leaves true? Source: Thai News Agency