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Be sure before sharing: Be careful. Is it true that there is a lot of sugar in plain milk?

On social media, clips have been shared demonstrating and warning against the high amount of sugar in fresh milk. Is this true? ?? Check the facts with expert Dr. Suwaphat Kittibanchakul. Lecturer at the Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University This story is true. There is sugar in fresh milk. But it is lactose that is naturally occurring. It is not added sugar. For people who already drink milk Don't be afraid or confused to the point of not drinking milk, because milk actually still has other nutrients that your body needs. And it's very useful. There are at least 2 types of sugar in food? Sugar that exists naturally, such as lactose in milk, fructose in fruit, or maltose in malt, and another type of sugar that is added. Plain milk is not very sweet, even though it has sugar ? Milk already has sugar. But that doesn't feel sweet. Because lactose is about 3 times sweeter than table sugar. But when I looked at the nutrition label, I was shocked that there was actually sugar in milk as well. The lacto se in milk is digestible. It does not interfere with blood sugar levels much compared to glucose (glucose), so you can drink milk normally without any danger. In the clip, there is a comparison of the amount of sugar contained in milk and sugar cubes, which is equal to 49 cubes, but that is 2 liters of fresh milk. You may not have the opportunity to drink that much milk each day. Type of sugar and amount of drinking ? In practice, eating foods that naturally contain sugar, such as milk, can be drunk without much concern. But drink in the right amount. Normally, the recommended amount of milk to drink per day is 1-2 glasses (400-500 ml) only. But in the case of food that has added sugar, syrup, or various syrups, you may have to be careful, limit it, and try to eat it. Keeping it to a minimum or avoiding it would be good. Adding sugar to plain milk must be aware and limit the quantity more ? Normally, the amount of lactose in plain milk is approximately 10 grams per serving. This depends on the source of production. In the case of flavored milk such as sweet milk, strawberry milk, chocolate milk or yoghurt milk. These milks have added sugar added. This will increase the amount of sugar in dairy products. And the energy from drinking flavored milk may increase up to 2-3 times that of regular fresh milk. If you want to control sugar You may focus on controlling sweet foods (nectars, candies), and sweets. It would be more helpful. Along with exercising and getting enough rest. In case of discomfort I'm still afraid of the energy I get from milk. You may choose to drink skim milk. or skimmed milk which will have lower fat than normal milk This will help reduce the overall energy of the milk quite a lot. However, do not forget that 'low-fat milk' may also lose some vitamins that are fat-soluble vitamins. Is it important to look at nutrition labels carefully ? If looking at the nutritional value obtained from sugar You have to look at where it's brown. Because if you look at all the carbohydrates Sometimes in clude fiber as well. which does not provide energy Or does it affect blood sugar levels? Like sugar, a carbohydrate that is a single sugar molecule. In summary, what is the video demonstrating to warn people to be careful of sugar in plain milk? I don't want it to be shared further. It will cause confusion and misunderstanding. Afraid of drinking milk because, in fact, milk is still a source of Various important nutrients However, It's good to be careful about your sugar intake. Choose to eat natural foods. No sugar added It will help control sugar. understanding of facts It helps to feel relieved. And don't panic. Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul See more items Be sure before sharing: Be careful. Is it true that there is a lot of sugar in plain milk ? Source: Thai News Agency