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Be sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST: 5 popular stories about parasites in raw menus Is it really life-threatening?

February 7, 2024 - As shared about the dangers of raw food Both warn that eating raw shrimp risks blindness from rat lungworm. And do not eat raw vegetables that have not been cleaned properly because they contain parasites that can lodge in the tongue. Which story is true? Which story is false? Find the answer for sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST, a collection of popular stories. Ranked from sure before sharing 1st place: Clip pulling worms from the arm Because eating raw fish, is it true ? A clip has been shared warning that eating raw fish or raw meat will cause worms to be lodged in the body. In the clip, a worm can be seen pulling a worm out of a patient's arm. Conclusion: Not true, should not be shared ? Check the facts with: Prof. Dr. Wisit Chawasit, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University The image shared in the clip is not a parasite from eating raw fish, but a "maggot" or bot fly found mostly in South America. It has a special feature: it doesn't have a mouth, it doesn't eat food, i t gets protein while it's a worm. Its life cycle is 3-4 days. It mates and lays eggs. They deposit their eggs on other insects, such as small flies, house flies, or mosquitoes. When the insect that deposited the eggs attaches to a mammal, The temperature on the skin stimulates the eggs to hatch into larvae and penetrate the skin. The expert continued: This type of insect has never been found in Thailand. But there has been news that two Thai tourists who went to Brazil were infected with fly maggots back in their skin. They had bumps, swelling, redness, and lymphatic drainage. After taking antibiotics for a week, it didn't improve. After surgery, it was discovered that he was infected with maggots. However, the 'cow' will be the main host (residence) of the worms. It punches holes in the skin and uses blood and lymph to feed on it. When fully grown, it will drop down. As a result, the foreign woman in the clip had to receive treatment. Treatment aside from surgery involves applying Vaseline or a plaster to prevent air from entering. When the maggots are pulled out + cleaned, the wound will heal. For "maggots" found in Thailand, most of them eat rotten flesh, such as those suffering from nasopharyngitis. It will lure flies in to lay eggs. Number 2: Is it true that eating raw fish risks eye parasites ? A clip was shared saying Continuously eating raw fish May cause parasites to grow into the eyes. Conclusion: Not true, should not be shared ? Check the facts with: Prof. Dr. Wisit Chawasit, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University and Dr. Wiraphan Sanprasert, Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University 'In the clip, it is a maggot laying eggs in the wound area. It is not a parasite. However, you must be careful when eating raw fish, especially freshwater fish. Because it may be dangerous. Trichinosis parasites can also be found.' Number 3: Is it true that eating raw shrimp risks blindness from parasites ? News has been shared about eating raw shrimp dishes. that causes rat lungworm to enter the eyes Until it can cause blindness Conclusion: True, can be shared ? Check the facts with: Prof. Dr. Wisit Chawasit, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University 'Marine animals such as snails and shrimp are at risk of being contaminated with rat lungworm larvae. They should be thoroughly washed and cooked every time for safety.' Number 4: Parasites in the human tongue Is it true because of eating raw vegetables ? A warning has been shared for people who like to eat fresh or raw vegetables to be careful of parasites. After there was news that people found pork tapeworm larvae embedded in their tongues. It is believed that it came from eating raw vegetables that were not washed properly. Conclusion: True, can be shared ? Check the facts with: Prof. Dr. Sathaporn Chittapalphong, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Technology. Kasetsart University 'Raw vegetables can carry pork tapeworms into humans. When eating raw or fresh vegetables, you should wash them thoroughly every time. And it is best to buy vegetables from safe sources.' Number 5: Is this clip warning about parasites from eating undercooked or raw ? The clip was shared with a warning message. Thai people like to eat raw food that contains parasite eggs that grow in the intestines and become crowded. Until having to have surgery to pull it out Conclusion: Can be shared, explain further ?? Check the facts with: Prof. Dr. Wisit Chawasit, Lecturer, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University 'In the clip that was shared, it was surgery to remove parasites from the stomach. which is an earthworm that there may be egg contamination in vegetables that are not cleanly washed and you grow in the body when you eat it. So be careful. Therefore, this clip can be shared further. to protect people But the infection is not from eating meat. But eating fresh vegetables Or the eggs may be attached to your fingers or nails. and enter through the mouth.' Source: Thai News Agency