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Be sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST: 5 popular stories, various ways to nourish the brain, are they true?

As has been shared about many ways to nourish the brain. Sleeping with head hanging and tongue sticking out helps prevent dementia. And drinking coffee and cocoa will make your brain better?! Which story is true? Which story is false? Find the answer for sure before sharing. CHECK-LIST, a collection of popular stories. Ranked from sure before sharing Number 1: Is it true that drinking cocoa helps nourish the brain ? A message was shared saying how to nourish your brain and memory by eating cocoa every day. Check the facts with: Dr. Sudathip Saetan, Lecturer, Faculty of Agro-Industry. Kasetsart University, Prof. Dr. Niphon Puangwarin, Royal Graduate Doctor, Neurology Specialist. Conclusion: True, can be shared ? Eating cocoa will get the most benefit. It should not be mixed with milk. Prof. Dr. Nipon Puangwarin, who recommended drinking hot cocoa to nourish the brain. Stated that research from a university in England supports that drinking 2 tablespoons of cocoa per day, or 1,000 milligrams, once a day ev ery day will help nourish the brain. From self-experimentation, it was found that brain cells function better and are not depressed. However, although cocoa is beneficial, it cannot cure Alzheimer's disease. It only slows down the progression of the disease. Dr. Sudathip Saetan, professor at the Faculty of Agro-Industry Kasetsart University It is confirmed that cocoa has beneficial nutrients, fights cancer, and reduces stress. However, cocoa has sugar as the main ingredient. If you want to directly benefit from cocoa, you should drink it with water. If you add milk, the benefits of cocoa will be reduced. This is because milk binds with important cocoa substances that the body cannot absorb. Number 2: Is it true that kaffir lime leaves are miraculous to nourish the brain ? A message was shared stating that The properties of kaffir lime leaves contain amino acids, all kinds of vitamins that the body needs, reduces blood pressure, nourishes the gums, and nourishes the brain. Check the facts with: Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaniphan Butyee, Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University Conclusion: Not true, should not be shared further ? 'Kaffir lime leaves contain vitamins. There are some antioxidants. However, kaffir lime leaves do not nourish the brain as shared. It is an exaggeration of the benefits.' Share : Kaffir lime leaves contain all types of amino acids. Answer : Amino acids are found only in foods that contain protein. Share : Kaffir lime leaves have properties that nourish the brain. Answer : Not true. Kaffir lime leaves are not a source of calcium. Share : Kaffir lime leaves help reduce blood pressure. Answer : There has never been a report. Except it was able to reduce blood cholesterol levels in laboratory rats. But in such experiments, the Hesperidin substance that was extracted is a substance that the human body has limited absorption. It is considered a limitation of kaffir lime leaves. Share : Kaffir lime leaves contain all kinds of vitamins. Answer : Kaffir lime has the second highest amount of vi tamin E, after sweet vegetables. As for vitamin C, it is found more in the leaves and bark than in the fruit. who shared that chewing kaffir lime leaves nourishes the gums It's a misunderstanding. Because kaffir lime leaves contain little vitamin C. Share : Eating pork leg rice sprinkled with kaffir lime leaves will get all 5 nutritional groups. Answer : This is not true. However, when comparing the water, fruit, and leaves, it was found that the kaffir lime skin is the most beneficial. Rich in essential oils, vitamin C, vitamin E and flavonoids. While the leaves have some antioxidants But there are limitations that the body cannot use to its fullest potential. Number 3: Is it true that sticking out your tongue helps prevent dementia ? The message is being shared that sticking out your tongue every day can prevent dementia. Check the facts with: Dr. Maithat Samsen, a specialist in neurology. Director of Mahachai Hospital Conclusion: Can be shared, explain further ?? 'Body movement Including taste and s mell, they all help to slow down and prevent dementia symptoms. It is not limited to sticking out the tongue alone.' Number 4: Is it true that sleeping with your head hanging upside down helps your brain and keeps you away from paralysis ? It has been shared that it is recommended to sleep with your head hanging for 10 minutes a day. It will help your brain be healthy, age slowly, have a clear face, and avoid paralysis. Check the facts with: Dr. Cholapiwat Tripong, a neurologist and brain internist. Neurological Institute Conclusion: Not true, should not be shared ? "Sleeping with head hanging It doesn't help your brain get better. It also does not help prevent stroke or paralysis. You should not follow it because it may cause injury.' Number 5: 10 ways to keep your brain sharp, is it true? A lot has been shared about various ways to treat acne and wrinkles. Many people say that green tea helps treat acne. And using salt water to wipe your face can help prevent acne. Check the facts with: Dr. Thipakor n Tumnak, Neurology Institute, Department of Medical Services. Conclusion: Some parts are true, should not be shared ?? 'Exercise and sleep Helps nourish the brain, but in ginkgo biloba and cod liver oil, eating it and looking good is not true. There is no evidence to support it.' Fact checked by: Peeraphon Anutarasothi, edited by: Chayanit Phongsai Source: Thai News Agency