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Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: 5 things you should know before eating durian. Is it true?

On social media, they shared a clip of 5 things you should know before eating durian, such as durian being high in sugar and high in energy if eaten improperly. May cause death ?? Check the facts with expert Assoc . Prof. Dr. Ratchanee Kongkachuichai, professor at the Institute of Nutrition. Mahidol University In general, what is shared is scientifically correct (not 100 percent), but we see benefits from eating durian in the right way. Eat in moderation It's not like you see the benefits and just focus on eating durian. It will have negative effects on the body. And watching the clip requires awareness. for eating durian mindfully as well Question 1: Durian: Is the fruit high in calories ? 100 grams of durian pulp has a maximum of approximately 180-190 kcal of calories. 100 grams of durian is equal to 2 pills. There are times when people who eat durian accidentally eat more than 2 pills. Eating durian gets a lot of calories. But you still get calories from the main meal. When ingested, it accumulates i n the body. cause chronic non-communicable diseases (Non-Communicable Diseases : NCDs) can occur. Point 2: Durian: very high in sugar ? From doing research yourself It was found that the components of durian were not high in sugar. Depending on the variety, it ranges from 7-25 grams, but ripe durian has a lot of sugar. Durian pulp is high in starch and fat. 'Starch' is a carbohydrate that , when digested, turns into glucose (glucose) that enters cells. If you eat a lot of durian Unused energy turns into fat. May cause dizziness, heart palpitations, and labored breathing. How much durian should you eat? It depends on each person's health. If you are healthy Eat and exercise Reducing staple foods such as rice and flour will not be much of a problem. In people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, eating large amounts of durian at a time should be careful and watch for any unusual symptoms. Question 3: Is durian not suitable for people with high blood pressure ? T his is "true": Patients with high blood pressure should not eat large quantities of durian. But if you eat a small amount, it's okay. It is important that patients with high blood pressure You need to know how high your blood pressure is. Same as diabetic patients If you want to eat durian but your blood sugar is high. You can eat a small amount of durian (just in bite-sized pieces, just enough to relieve your cravings) but if your blood sugar is very high, reaching 300-400 mg/dL. Can't eat durian at all. Point 4: Eating durian with alcoholic beverages can cause death ? There is research on experimental animals. But there is no research on people. (Probably will not pass the ethical aspect) because it is very dangerous. Eating a lot of durian along with drinking alcohol It may have the effect of causing stagnation. or the accumulation of aldehyde (aldehyde), which is a toxic substance. There will be hot flashes. Some people will experience nausea and vomiting, a red face, red hands, and heart palpitations . If it is severe, they may go into shock or die. Point 5: Durian provides very high energy ? Durian provides very high energy 'truly' It can be seen that durian weighs 100 grams, which is 2 grains. If compared to rice, it's about 2 ladles a little bit, similar to about 1 can to 1 and a half cans of soft drink. It's considered quite high in calories. What type of durian should I choose to eat ? There are many varieties of durian. But the nutritional value is no different. If you look at the main color, which is very yellow, there will be beta-carotene. High in betacarotene and zeaxanthin, lutein. As for some types of durian, when eaten you feel that the texture is very smooth. Please be a little suspicious. It is quite high in fat. If the fruit or durian is 'very ripe' it will have more sugar in it. What kind of durian, how much sugar, is not as important as the "quantity" eaten. Don't think that the glycemic index (Glycemic Index: GI) is low and you can eat a lot. But it depends on the amount you ea t. If you are already in good health There is no problem. You can eat 1-3 durian tablets for 1 week. Therefore, if you want to eat a large amount of durian, must go exercise And reduce carbohydrate foods (starch, fat) to balance calories. You will have peace of mind that eating durian will get full benefits. Interview by Peeraphon Anutarasothi Compiled by Komsthanon Sukajjasakul See more items Be sure before sharing. FACTSHEET: 5 things you should know before eating durian. Is it true ? Source: Thai News Agency