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Be sure before sharing FACTSHEET : What is whey protein? Why do you have to eat?

What is whey protein?

Whey is a type of milk protein, which is the liquid residue left over from casein precipitation in cheese production. Cheese is typically made from cow's milk and has a protein content of 3.5%. It contains two proteins: 2.8% casein and 0.7% whey, or approximately 80% casein and 20% whey.

benefits of whey protein

Whey is a high quality source of protein. It contains complete essential amino acids, easily digested, absorbed by the body and used quickly. can help strengthen muscles

There are essential amino acids (essential amino acids) and there are amino acids. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) (including leucine, isoleucine and valine), which are proteins that play an important role in muscle building. repair worn parts or create more tissue

There are 3 types of whey protein, how are they different?

Whey protein is processed into a variety of products to make it easier to consume, such as whey powder, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, whey protein hydrolyzate, etc.

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) concentrated whey protein is that liquid whey is taken through a series of processes that produce whey concentrate. Contains proteins ranging from 35-85% (<90%).

Whey protein isolate (WPI) is a whey protein concentrate that has been processed to increase the whey protein concentration to more than 90%. It is widely used in sports drinks and protein-fortified drinks.

Whey protein hydrolyzate (WPH) or Hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate is WPC or Whey protein isolate (WPI) that has been hydrolyzed to break down larger whey protein molecules into smaller molecules into peptides. Free peptides and amino acids have the advantage of being a form of protein that is better and faster absorbed by the body. And causes less protein allergies than other types of whey protein (the downside is that it may taste bitter).

How much whey protein does your body need each day?

Calculated from the amount of protein you need each day. Offset with other protein sources eaten each day.

That is 1 g/kg/d (grams/kg/day) in terms of macronutrients CHO : Fat : Protein = 55 : 25-30 : 15 (15% protein per day)

How much whey protein does your body need each day?

Calculated from the amount of protein you need each day. Offset with other protein sources eaten each day.

That is 1 g/kg/d (grams/kg/day) in terms of macronutrients CHO : Fat : Protein = 55 : 25-30 : 15 (15% protein per day)

How to eat whey protein effectively

Whey protein is a good source of protein. But it is recommended that you should eat a balanced diet to get complete nutrients. It is more suitable than using whey protein as a staple food alone.

Therefore, it depends on the type of whey protein you choose to eat. If you want to eat thinner, we recommend WPI because it has high protein content and low sugar content.

bodybuilder with whey protein

The ACSM (the American College of Sport Medicine) recommends an intake of 1.2-2 g/kg/d or approximately 1.6 g/kg/d (should not exceed 2 g/kg/d due to overloading of the kidneys) in conjunction with exercise

When is the best time to take whey protein?

You can choose to consume whey protein at any time. depending on the purpose of eating may be taken as a supplement between meals Alternatively, it can be consumed within 2 hours of exercising if you want to repair your muscles after intense training (training).

What are the side effects of whey protein?

Side effects were found in people allergic to cow's milk. (That's not lactose intolerance) because whey is a component of protein. Beta-lactoglubulin from cow's milk, which is not found in breast milk. Those who are not very allergic may choose to eat WPH type, which causes less allergy to protein than other types of whey protein.

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Source: Thai News Agency