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Be sure before sharing. Found a fish with a human face. Is it true?

As the clip was shared Along with a message that a fish with a human face was discovered. Conclusion: Not true ? Should not be shared further. It is a computer generated image. (AI - Artificial Intelligence) and there has never been evidence of the discovery of such a fish. The Sure Before Sharing Center checked and found that the fact-checking website had checked and published on February 2, 2024, confirming that there was no report of the discovery of such fish. And the lake that claims the name Samsara does not actually exist. While sportskeeda checked the facts on 22 Jan. 2024, it confirmed in the same direction. If any such discovery is made It must be scientifically reported. And it's big news all over the world. But none of this has been widely reported, and the claimed Homo Piscis fish doesn't actually exist. [Fact checking website] https://www.sportskeeda. com/pop-culture/fact-check-is-homo-piscis- fish-real-fake-story-behind-human-faced-fish-explored While all the illustrations in the clip Investigating the image, it was found that it came from a YouTube channel called Headtap Videos, which stated in the channel's description that it was 'Experiments in video and graphics' (Experiements in video and Graphics), which has created several graphic clips of various supernatural events, which the website has also examined and found There is a high chance that it is an image generated by an AI computer. [YouTube Headtap Channel] Therefore, it is claimed that a new type of fish has been found. have a face like that person The said clip and message are therefore not true. Shouldn't be shared further 20 February 2024, Sure Before Sharing Center, Thai News Agency, MCOT, fact checking by Peeraphon Anutarasothi Source: Thai News Agency