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Be sure before sharing: Is “adrenochrome” the elixir from the blood of children really?

Article translated and edited by: Adisorn Suksomat,

review and proofreading: Kom Thanon Sukchasakul

Conclusion :

Adrenochrome is not a hallucinogen or elixir.

Adrenochrome can be synthesized in a lab. It does not need to be extracted from humans or living beings.

Adrenochrome is available for laboratory use.

Information shared:

There is disinformation circulating on social media in the United States. Claiming that child prostitution is happening in many countries In the background, celebrities and powerful people in the United States government are the masterminds. The purpose of the extraction of Adrenochrome from the child's blood. It claims to have both hallucinogenic properties and an elixir.


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound formed by the oxidation of adrenaline. Hormone produced by the adrenal glands (Adrenal Gland) during times of stress, fear or anger. This results in a faster heart rate and higher blood pressure. Adrenochrome is commonly used to make anticoagulant drugs for hemophilia patients with bleeding disorders.

Misconceptions from entertainment media

There are many articles and literature that falsely believe that Adrenochrome has hallucinogenic properties. Among them is Hunter S. Thompson's 1971 novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which was adapted into a blockbuster 1998 film starring Johnny Depp.

The title character, Dr. Gonzo, describes Adrenochrome as “a substance that can only be obtained from the adrenal glands of living human beings. There is no use extracted from the corpse.”

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas director Terry Gilliam later admitted that he always thought Adrenochrome was just a myth. And did not know before that Adrenochrome actually exists, so the mention of Adrenochrome in the movie is therefore an exaggerated claim.

However, the belief in Adrenochrome as a hallucinogen as portrayed in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas has gained widespread publicity. The Adrenochrome scene in the movie has over 3 million views on YouTube.

Pizzeria Comet Ping Pong

Pizzagate and Qanon

Adrenochrome played a role in conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and Qanon that prevailed on social media in the US in 2016 and 2017, coinciding with the US presidential election. Alleging Hollywood celebrities, billionaires and Democratic politicians Engaging in child prostitution The basement of Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C. was used as a detention facility. The captured children are subject to abuse and sexual harassment. In order for the child's body to accelerate the production of Adrenochrome in large quantities for use as a hallucinogen and elixir of authority.

Despite police investigations and multiple media scrutiny asserting that the Pizzagate and Qanon conspiracy theories are bogus, the scrutiny of the Pizzagate and Qanon conspiracy theories has never been clearer. But there are not many people who believe in rumors. and lead to unrest in society From using it as a pretext to attack Comet Ping Pong until the 2021 invasion of the US Capitol.

Pizzagate and Qanon conspiracy theorists

During the lockdown period due to the spread of COVID-19 Many celebrities in Hollywood rely on social media to communicate with their fans. Hollywood celebrities look visibly worn down. Because of a condition known as “adrenochrome deficiency” that used to help them look younger.

During the Russo-Ukrainian War, it was claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin destroyed an Adrenochrome plant in Ukraine. and inhibiting the shipment of Adrenochrome to the United States. which the whole story is not true

Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard

Arrival of the Sound of Freedom

In 2023, Adrenochrome is back in the air. Based on the popularity of Sound of Freedom, the film portrays the work of Operation Underground Railroad, an anti-child prostitution organization. It surpassed many other blockbusters released during the same period, including Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One.

However, the film has been seen as a publicity medium for conspiracy theories, with Operation Underground Railroad founder Tim Ballard and Sound of Freedom star Jim Caviezel advocating for child prostitution. Adrenochrome extraction together

Tim Bollard has previously said that adrenochrome is extracted from children in some African countries. together

Properties of the substance Adrenochrome.

Although Adrenochrome has been linked to its use as a hallucinogen and elixir. But medical evidence does not show that Adrenochrome has any of these properties.

Dr. Steven Mittelman, Pediatric Endocrinologist from UCLA University The Lead Stories website confirmed that Adrenochrome has no anti-aging or hallucinogenic effects. Although the relationship between adrenochrome and schizophrenia has been studied in the past, current additional studies have found no association.

In addition, research has shown that high doses of Adrenochrome may worsen the work of the heart muscle. Affects the heart's pumping blood. and also increases the risk of developing blood clots which is more harmful to health than an elixir

Adrenochrome Synthesis

Adrenochrome is easily created by synthesis in a lab. and is widely marketed for research purposes.

Taylor Woodson represents Santa Cruz Biotechnology (SCBT), a California-based laboratory products company. In an interview with Lead Stories, all customers who bought synthetic adrenochrome from the company is a laboratory that has a safety certificate. It sells for $55 per 25 milligram and $335 per 250 milligram (about $1.34 per milligram).

Dr Steven Mittelman explains that Adrenochrome has a simple molecular structure. Most chemistry students can synthesize it themselves in the lab. There is therefore no need to extract Adrenochrome from living organisms. In addition to having to perform unnecessary surgery The purification process is also complicated.

In addition, the adrenal glands of children produce only a few milligrams of adrenochrome. Similar to humans and found in slaughterhouses, it also provides higher amounts of Adrenochrome. If anyone were to actually attempt to extract adrenochrome from living organisms, then the extraction of adrenochrome from humans would be absurd and unlikely.

anti conspiracy theories

The misconception about Adrenochrome has led many websites to take measures to prevent the spread of misinformation about Adrenochrome.

In 2020, Reddit banned posts about adrenochrome, and Amazon removed books spreading adrenochrome conspiracy theories from its site.

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Source: Thai News Agency