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Be sure before sharing: Is it true that deafness in old age can be fixed with herbs to balance it?

As advice has been shared on herbal formulas for balancing and solving the problem of deafness in old age, completely disappearing using honey, galangal, lemon, salt, and water to blend and drink. Deafness will return as good as before. Conclusion: Not true, should not be shared ? Center for sure before sharing. Check with traditional Thai medicine doctor Komsan Tinnakorn Na Ayutthaya, Deputy Dean of the College of Oriental Medicine. Rangsit University Thai traditional medicine practice Thai Traditional Medicine Clinic M.R.Saard Tinnakorn Recipe for herbal smoothie as shared. Thai traditional medicine said There may be references to the medicinal properties of galangal, while honey, lemon, and salt are used for flavoring. But the above does not help with deafness in any way. Elderly people often have hearing problems. Because there is age-related deterioration of the auditory nervous system. In cases where deafness in the elderly affects daily life Thai traditional medicine recommends wearing a hearing ai d. Source: Thai News Agency