Thailand Recorder

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Be sure before sharing. Motor Check: Starting the car in the morning, smoke coming out of the pipe, indicates the engine is in good condition. Is it true?

As shared that When starting the car in the morning And is there smoke or water? Coming out of the exhaust pipe means that the engine is still intact. Conclusion: Can be shared, explain further. ?? Sure Before Sharing Center, check with Mr. Suramis Charoen-ngam, tester and automotive technology expert, explains: Water gushes out of the exhaust pipe. When starting the car in the morning, it means water vapor that results from the combustion of a very cold engine. Plus the air that the engine pumps in has a low temperature. Until after combustion, steam comes out of the car's exhaust pipe. But if there is too much water dripping out Whether during cold or hot weather together with the loss of water in the coolant radiator Or the car engine is jerking. If you find any of these abnormal symptoms, hurry and take your car to the garage for further repairs. However, water dripping at the end of the exhaust pipe does not always mean that the engine is in 100% perfect condition either. Because even though the eng ine has been used hard There is a symptom of a loose machine. There may also be water dripping from the end of the pipe. Source: Thai News Agency