Thailand Recorder

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Believing in raising pork pans, the council housewives don’t make “Doctor Ong” fall off the chair.

The Kao Klai Party, Aug. 20- "Pakornwut", the Kao Klai Party MP, believes that the issue of raising pork pans by housewives of the House of Representatives does not work .

Mr. Pakornwut Udompipatsakul Member of the House of Representatives, the Kao Klai Party, mentioned in the case of criticism of Mr. Padipat Santipada, the first vice-president of the House of Representatives, using the budget to endorse the vice-president to raise 370 council housewives. Mr. Pakornwut said the budget indicated It is clearly stated that it is the powers of the president and vice-president of the council that can be used. For the sake of politics and from personal experience who has worked in 35 committees, there is a statement. When going to an event or a seminar, it can be used if it's beneficial. of operations and politics And is a relatively flexible budget. and if unregulated believe that officials will not allow budget disbursement to be used As for the current criticism in online society, it is believed that it will reawaken the society. along with the question of past use of the budget Which parts are used? And if you bring old documents to look at, you might be shocked.

Mr. Pakornwut is also confident that in the case of using the budget to raise grilled pork and in the case of posting pictures with Mr. Padipat's alcoholic beverages It will not be a problem to the point of dropping out of the chair of the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency