Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Bhoomtham” emphasizes that it is not appropriate for the opposition to open a no-confidence debate.

Bangkok, "Bhoomtham" emphasizes that it is not appropriate for the opposition to open a no-confidence debate. Let the government do its job first. Not worried if there is an issue with former Prime Minister Thaksin asking if it is appropriate or not. Look, don't bring political issues or personal biases to discredit you, and you should do politics in a new way. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Mentioning that the opposition is preparing to submit a debate to the government before the closing of the parliamentary session in April, he said that the parliament has a duty to enact laws and examine the work of the government through asking questions and in accordance with Section 152, which is a recommendation, not a debate of no confidence. It is a discussion of issues that are not yet understood. Recommendations are submitted to the government without a vote. Therefore, I see that I can always do this if I want to help make the country's administration more understandabl e. Or if the government's explanation is still not clear. Therefore, regarding the issue of Section 152, there is no problem. But if Section 151 is the issue that you feel is not entirely trustworthy. The opposition's discretion may be that the time has come. to discuss Just do your duty. But he confirmed that the government is not concerned at this point. Because what the government does is done by hand. Do it with good intentions. Do it because you want to solve problems for the people. and make it consistent with the policy that has been proposed to the council. Ready to emphasize that the minister has no problems, can answer all questions and is able to listen to suggestions and use them to benefit the administration of the country. But I would like to reduce the political issues to a lesser extent. Because the country must move forward Mr. Phumtham viewed that it was too early to discuss distrust because he had to wait for work to be done first. and wait for the budget to come out first To use it to h elp the people to the fullest extent. After another 6 months, let's see the results. Can you work fully? It is considered a matter that can be considered. However, if the opposition insists on debating Section 151, there will be no problem because if there is anything that is not understood, the government will explain. The only request is not to use this platform as a tool for Playing politics or trying to discredit I don't agree with this. which he believes that even some opposition parties do not agree with So please know that we conduct the no-confidence debate according to the principles it should be based on. is to check the work of the government Have a problem? Suggestions. If there is corruption and breaking the rules, it can be discussed immediately. Feel free to offer your opinion. Mr. Phumtham is not concerned if the discussion refers to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister, but personally thinks it is not appropriate to bring outsiders into the situation. Therefore, small matters o r personal biases should be avoided. We should do a new kind of politics. Do not use this kind of issue to discredit politics. 'I think it is a moral opposition. and the opposition that works creatively Whatever the government does well, please praise it. And should it be expanded further? Do you have any suggestions? If something is not done correctly, submit it. The government has a duty to take information and explain what the problem is. As for whether to be confident or not to believe? It is at your discretion'. Source: Thai News Agency