Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Bhoomtham” reveals the inflation crisis Not related to government policy

Government House, "Bhoomtham" says inflation crisis Not related to government policy Point out fiscal-monetary measures Must walk in tandem, telling BoT to look at problems throughout the system Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Referring to the negative inflation situation for the 4th consecutive month, which is considered to be partly due to government policy, is it not? Yesterday (Feb. 5), the Ministry of Commerce announced economic figures. But he would like to understand that the government measures are measures to control and prevent stores from Or the entrepreneur doesn't want to take too much profit. in order to find a common balance point which causes people to experience crisis distress There is a problem with the value.Living is a matter that both consumers and entrepreneurs work together with the Ministry of Commerce. He is the facilitator for it all to happen. Because we work, we mainly care for the people. At the same time, we work to ensure that the pric es of products are controlled and controlled. and support various manufacturers Have increased income It will be seen that we are managing many agricultural products. On February 8th, there will be a statement to clarify. including rubber, rice, palm oil, cassava, and corn that have increased prices It can be seen that measures are taken to achieve balance among many parties. To take care of both entrepreneurs and the private sector Mr. Phumtham also said that saying that the government's measures have caused the problem of inflation. He said he had to review what the facts were. by the action of the state in taking care of If a problem arises from us, it will not take long. and not continuous But the continued occurrence of problems reflects the existence of problems. He thinks that in practice the government uses fiscal measures in almost every matter. and every ministry has carried out But what is happening now is the problem of financial measures If the problem is to be resolved well in other countries, monetary and fiscal measures must go together. Therefore, we must ask who is responsible for overseeing financial measures. What actions have been taken? Is there an interest reduction? 'I think right now the onus is on the National Bank. and those responsible for overseeing financial measures This will help solve various problems. Both stories must be done together in order to solve various problems. If you watch one story and can't see it all, you must watch both stories. It's two legs joined together. The Ministry of Commerce just reflects the numbers. But analyzing the numbers has to be discussed,' Mr. Phumtham said. When asked whether there would be a discussion with the Governor of the Bank of Thailand (BoT), Mr. Phumtham said that it might be the next step if the BoT feels that there are issues that should be discussed. We're happy to talk. But our opinion now The Ministry of Commerce is the operator. If there are no financial measures to help with everything, such as product prices, the Ministry of Commerce will have difficulty taking action. Responsible agencies like the BoT should be aware of this. Mr. Phumtham said that right now, the crisis is not an ordinary method. But there was a financial crisis that intervened. Because of financial measures We see the shoots that will emerge. and saw a trend of problems Therefore, here the BoT must look carefully. Don't look or stare. Pay attention to only one thing. You have to look at the entire system in order to solve the problem. Today, to solve the country's crisis, all parties must work together. If one side will But the other party will stand and oppose. He said there was nothing concrete that would happen. And if it's a problem like we're worried about and expected What will happen is failure in the crisis to come. If you look at it, it is similar to the Tom Yum Kung crisis in 1997. At that time, the BoT saw nothing at all. Although if you look at the details you will see This one is the same. There are economists who think that if the government does n't do anything strong, and has the effect of stimulating the economy Various crises will occur. 'Today the government considers One is a digital wallet. It is an important issue that will stimulate all purchasing power. and many of our measures that are waiting, but if the main measures do not move Makes many other things we can't do. Today, the government has been running the country for almost 5 months and is under a situation where there is no money to operate. No investment Because of this year's budget 67 will be available in May. But what we are not complacent about That is, we work hard. I would like to appeal to all those involved. Let's look at the whole system. Don't let it become an obsession with any one thing. Because of the separate view Not looking at the whole system caused the Tom Yum Kung crisis in 1997. Today I want to leave you with something important. You have to ask the country's financial administrator. What do you think? Things happen like this Do you agree or have a problem? If you think there is no problem We have to look at the future and see who can evaluate it correctly. Because if there is a financial crisis like the government says Financial executives who are not aware and unable to take care of and has not yet been dealt with, must be held responsible,' Mr. Phumtham said. Source: Thai News Agency