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Internal Affairs

‘Bhumitham’ implores all parties to be open-minded and allow the government to move forward with digital wallets.

United States, "Bhoomtham" implores all parties to be open-minded, allowing the government to move forward with digital wallets, criticizing the NACC not to overstep their duties, stop doubting, and stop imagining that there will be corruption. Point out that the NACC's recommendations are something to be aware of. No need to follow Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Mentioning the case where the opposition and the Senate may bring up the issue of the digital wallet project. and the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra to discuss and interrogate the government regarding the implementation of the digital wallet project It's just an economic stimulus project. There is a debate about whether it is a crisis or not. But in fact, the people who reflect the most are intellectuals who are senior executives in the financial and fiscal sector. He wanted to know that this project was brought to solve the economic crisis. If you look at this project in a broad and generous way, it is an economic stimulus project that doesn't take into account whether you are rich or poor. I think that every citizen can stimulate the economy. This will help increase purchasing power. Make the economic cycle revolve So I want you to understand this. We live in a capitalist system. It must be capitalism that understands humans as well. See the importance of humans I see the inequality of people, so this project will help stimulate the economy. Mr. Phumitham said that the important thing is the learning of people in the modern economic world. The digital economy, therefore, recognizing this is only beneficial. As for criticizing, you can, but I want you to start criticizing from the objective goal. I did not criticize from my own imagination. I believe that the government is ready to talk about everything. Because it comes from the intention of wanting to solve problems. It's not from bad intentions. At the same time, the government has already clearly stated this policy to the council. And it is a policy that has been voted for. If it were another country in the democratic world, they would do it well. If it was not good, they would have to take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. But now it's not too late that there are criticisms. I think you need to open your mind more widely. and help each other look If you criticize or analyze incorrectly, you will miss out on the opportunity to recover from the country's crisis. When asked by Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Acknowledging that this project may not be implemented in time in May, Mr. Phumtham said that it is up to the process of deciding what it will be like. If it is postponed continuously, it must be postponed. But if you ask the government's intention Right now, the government still doesn't want to postpone it. Still confirming that we will achieve the goal. However, when we will start doing it depends on the time. But now I'm trying to make it happen. and look at the intentions of Mr. Settha It is clear that the p roject must proceed to stimulate the economy. When asked whether the recommendations of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) would cause the project to be cancelled, Mr. Phumtham said that it must be considered that the NACC has exceeded its authority. Duties because the NACC has a duty to investigate what has happened to determine what the problem is. But this project had not yet taken place and it was concluded that there would be corruption. There are a lot of precautions to be taken. He thought that the precautions were understandable. But it is not considered a prohibition. He still didn't dare say that it was forbidden. Just saying that I'm curious. Be careful like this. He wanted to come back to live in the real world. It's not a world of imagination. I imagine there will be a huge amount of cheating. Please come and see the truth. And trying to solve the problem requires thinking of new formats. Doing the same thing 10 years ago is still in the same place. The economy is still bad until now . If the NACC has a proposal to the government, we are ready to consider it. It is considered a matter of caution. It is not something that must be practiced. When asked if he confirmed that the government would not abandon this project, Mr. Phumtham said that the aim was the current situation. We believe that today the economic situation is critical. This matter can be debated, but the government must be given the opportunity to work. Source: Thai News Agency