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Biden Signs Bill to Reveal Intelligence at the Source of COVID

US President Joe Biden has signed a bill requiring the release of US intelligence on COVID-19. The outbreak may have been associated with an laboratory or laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

President Biden said It is necessary to look deeper into the root cause of COVID-19. including links with the Wuhan Institute of Virology The government will comply with the bill passed by parliament by disclosing and sharing as much information as possible about the origin of COVID.

Wuhan Institute of Virology

President Biden said in 2021 shortly after taking office that Has ordered intelligence agencies to use every means to investigate the origin of COVID and will disclose as much as possible without harming national security. AFP considers The bill represents a political risk to Biden negotiating with President Xi. China's Jinping as relations fracture Because China insists on denying that the global COVID-19 pandemic was not caused by an invasive virus while conducting research at a lab in Wuhan. But most US congressmen, especially Republicans, want to continue to pressure China. And passed a bill this month requiring the disclosure of US intelligence information about the origins of COVID-19.

Source: Thai News Agency