Thailand Recorder

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“Big Joke” complains against 9 out of 14 serious disciplinary examination committee members

Police Commander-in-Chief admits "Big Joke" filed a complaint against 9 out of 14 members of the Serious Disciplinary Examination Committee, claiming they are conflicting parties. Ensure that the results of the examination of the qualifications of the directors are completed before the "Big Joke" examination. From the case of the committee investigating police officers with Police General Sarawut Karnpanich, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police As chairman of the investigation committee There is an appointment to call Police General Surachet Hakphan or "Big Joke" who was previously ordered to leave government service and a total of 5 officers to be admitted to the charges tomorrow. Police General Kittirat Panphet, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police As Acting Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police It was revealed that the investigation depends on Police General Sarawut. He himself cannot interfere or express opinions. and was not reported to himself. But in the part of Police General Surach et 9 people out of 14 have complained against this committee, claiming that they are in conflict with themselves. I'm afraid I won't receive that justice. Police General Kittirat said he was aware of the matter. and gave orders to the Disciplinary Division Royal Thai Police Consider checking whether all 9 directors who have been complained have all the qualifications or not. or lacks the qualifications as specified in the Police Service Commission or the Police Commission or has a conflict of interest Or are they conflicting parties as alleged? And will the remaining committee members be able to continue their investigation? Or should additional directors be appointed or not? In order to be fair to all parties By asking to see the results of the examination of the qualifications of the Disciplinary Committee first. There was no set time frame. But the results of the examination of the directors must be completed before the results of the investigation into serious disciplinary matters of Police General Surach et and others. Source: Thai News Agency