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“Big Tao” launches investigation into former secretary of Justice Minister who fell victim to singer gang

'Big Tao' launches an investigation into the assistant minister. Former Secretary to the Minister of Justice Became a victim of a gang of singers calling to steal assets from the EM bracelet project in 2022 after finding important evidence. There are circumstances similar to those of the Director-General of the Rice Department. At the Prime Minister's Office Complaint Center building, on the 3rd floor, in front of the room of Lieutenant Colonel Thanakrit Jitareerat. Assistant Minister of the Prime Minister's Office Under the command of Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister, Pol. Maj. Gen. Charoonkiat Pankaew, Deputy Commissioner of the Central Investigation Police. Along with the police investigative unit of the Corruption and Misconduct Suppression Division or the Narcotics Control Board, they informally questioned Captain Thanakrit regarding the previous case of information being disclosed in The social media world said that in July 2022, when Mr. Kongtri Thanakrit held the position of Secretary to the Minister of Justice. At that time, Mr. Somsak Thepsutin was the commander. Mr. Jeng Dokjik went to talk and complain in the hope of slapping the assets of Mr. Kongtri Thanakrit and Mr. Somsak Thepsutin, which may have been committed in the same way as Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin. The case of the Director-General of the Rice Department Therefore, it is necessary to request information and undergo an initial interview first. In order to inquire into details of the circumstances of at least two accused persons, including material witnesses, personal witnesses, and various evidence. that the police investigative team had previously been able to gather After talking for about 1 hour, Pol. Maj. Gen. Charoonkiat revealed that today he received coordination from Lieutenant Colonel Thanakrit Jitareerat. Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister (Somsak Thepsuthin) said that he wanted to assist in working on the case of extorting assets from the Director-General of the Rice Department of the Royal Thai Police, Nar cotics Control Board, on the issue of the expansion of singers' circles. From the discussion it was very beneficial to the case. and corresponds to the information that the police have After this, investigators will have to collect evidence and coordinate with the NACC to proceed further. As for government agencies that are being bullied or encounter problems such as the case of demanding money from the Director-General of the Rice Department and not being treated fairly What to do now to get rid of mites That is, they must cooperate with the police, with Captain Thanakrit seeing the unfairness in this matter. Therefore, I would like to request information on expanding the results of the case. After this, it may be necessary to invite Captain Thanakrit to further interrogate as an official witness later. Mr. Kongtri Thanakrit revealed that complaints about various matters in front of the Government House Complaint Center After this, I have to pass it on to the singer industry. You must consider carefully an d have sufficient information to file a complaint here. which he has personally experienced and has clear information and timeline Today, we have given that information to the police at the Narcotics Control Board. The rest will be to provide information to help with the case to the police. Hopefully there will be measures or laws to control various complaints so that an incident like Singer Srisuwan's doesn't happen again. And not to let there be endless complaints. However, all of this is a lesson to all singers. and for the benefit of the country When inquiring While holding the position of secretary of the Ministry of Justice The singer's movement went to meet and what was their behavior? Captain Thanakrit revealed that on that day People in the movement walked in to chat and introduce themselves as usual. Because the door to the complaints room at the Ministry of Justice has never been closed. Before the singer movement negotiated the nature of the attack plan, similar to the case of the Director-Genera l of the Rice Department. The appearance of being slapped with property by a gang of singers Details section Can't go any deeper than this. It is the duty of the police at the Narcotics Control Board to continue expanding the results. Source: Thai News Agency