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Brave, dependable, good citizen chases after hit-and-run sedan

Nonthaburi, Hit and run, don't think you survived. A good citizen sped up the engine until he had to stop. Ready to take a clip as evidence. After a clip of the moment of the accident recorded from the car's dashcam was published. In the clip, it is an accident between a black sedan driving side-by-side. before reaching the back of a white sedan Until the car spun and was damaged, the black sedan drove away another 4-5 km before being caught by the good citizen who owned the clip. Honk the horn to get the car parked. The news team contacted the good citizen who was the owner of the said video clip, Mr. Arunwit Iampiboon, 37 years old, who said that the incident occurred in the morning while he was driving his child to school. While riding the bridge heading towards Kanchana Road Encountered such an accident and saw that a black sedan was trying to escape. So he sped up the tracking device, hoping to see the license plate. and tried to honk the horn Until the black sedan agreed to park on the side of the roa d. But he believed that he had stopped because his tire was broken and he couldn't continue driving, so he told him to go back and check on the injured person. Visual evaluation The driver looked like he was drunk. Recently, the news team spoke with the injured person. It is Ms. Pornpimon, age 33, after being hit by a car driver. Until the entire car was damaged. He had injuries to his neck and shoulder. The body is green and bruised. Especially in the area where the neck cannot move. You must use a neck brace. Mrs. Pornpimon said that in the morning she was driving her car on her way to work as usual like every day. Suddenly he was hit hard and in shock he stepped on the brakes. The car spun and collided with a barrier, causing damage. Fortunately, he was wearing a seat belt, so there were no serious injuries. The injured person spoke through tears. that he must thank the good citizens who helped chase down the perpetrators Until there is evidence including the front camera of the car. Video clip shows the face of the perpetrator. As for the lawsuit Initially, officials are looking for the perpetrator. It is believed that it will not be difficult because there is complete evidence. I would like to tell the other party to come and acknowledge the allegations. And it's better to negotiate. Anyway, the police were able to take him into custody. Source: Thai News Agency