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“Brother Nu” refuses to believe other polls, Anutin polls are the most accurate

Bangkok, April 17 – "Sia Noo" does not reject Anutin Poll, gets 3 digits, confident in the most accurate - Does not believe other polls - ridicules "Chuwit" movement, making more Thai pride.

Anutin Charnvirakul, leader of Bhumjaithai Party Mentioning the results of the Bhumjaithai Party's popularity poll that fell in order that we looked at many polls. For Bhumjaithai Party, we mainly look at party leader polls. which also has confidence And no poll is as accurate as the poll for the leader of the Bhumjaithai Party. that he had always done himself Calculate by yourself, exactly as accurately as possible. Since becoming the leader and having been elected 2 times, for example, last time he expected to get 52 seats, but got 51 seats, so he believed himself.

When asked if Pole Anutin is a 3 digit number or not Mr. Anutin did not answer questions. Before answering what it meant to be silent, he did not deny it and laughed. But right now we can't say anything. because he is considerate of the people's brothers and sisters, because if he can say that equal to not seeing the people's heads

multiple polls It was analyzed that the Bhumjaithai Party would come in second place. Mr. Anutin stated that he had never said that word from his mouth. But he studied, followed up, corrected, improved, and as the leader of the party, he had to take care of it because it had both primary and secondary goals. and take the best possible corrective action.

Mr. Anutin also said that If you look at the polls that come out, you get 3%, it already has 12 people. Will the Bhumjaithai Party only have 12 people? If so, that's good. He will be out of role You don't have to be party leader after the election. He had to decide to stop everything politically.

When asked whether Mr. Chuwit Kamolwisit's movement attacked the policy of the Bhumjaithai Party Has it contributed to the trend of the party's agreement or not? Mr. Anutin said that since these matters have arisen number of expectations And the strength of candidates in each area is increasing. which before the attack we expected a number of MPs But when this happened, more and more came back. But we can't say that we are absolutely certain. because the people are the judges

When asked to repeat that Mr. Chuvit will go down the line in the southern area which is regarded as the voting base of the Bhumjaithai Party will instruct applicants to understand the people's brothers and sisters or not Mr. Anutin said that there is no need to charge Bhumjaithai Party candidates, there are 400 people today, no one has come to see them. and said that he had a problem with these things Nobody talks about it.

Mr. Anutin also mentioned the formation of the government. Emphasizing that it is too early to talk about this matter, the night of May 14, better answer this question. And don't just go and expect that you will become a government. Our first goal is to build people's confidence to get as many MPs as possible into the parliament according to the goal. Because the establishment of the government is just that we will run after him. or he runs after us Politics is just that. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency