Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Candidates from Bangkok’s 33 districts jointly declare their intentions in good faith.

Government Center April 8 - ECT led candidates from all 33 districts of Bangkok to declare their intentions of honesty in the elections. Create a correct understanding of how to comply with the law. lead to clean politics affecting the development of the country in all aspects

Sawaeng Boonmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission of Thailand presided over the opening ceremony of the Honest Political Reform Project on the Base of Election restorative election activities For candidates for the election of members of the House of Representatives, Bangkok, divided into all 33 districts, to introduce guidelines for campaigning for candidates. and political parties including providing information about expenses and submission of income accounts and expenditures in the elections of MPs and tell cautions about wrongdoing and penalties under the election law

Mr. Sawang said that this project is a good project and is very important to understand. competition rules for athletes before election process and is important to the player which consists of voter Candidates, political parties, election managers election supporter political culture Law enforcement and other factors Many more involved, so every relationship is important in itself. have a connection for the electoral process to be successful And is accepted both nationally and internationally. This is in line with the Election Commission's vision. to hold elections that are nationally and internationally recognized professionally To maintain a democratic system with the King as Head of State. If the election is honest and fair, politics will be clean. affecting the development of the country in all aspects.

Mr. Sawang said that today's project It creates a correct understanding of the law. Regulations and practices involved in elections. accepting in terms of recognition, losing, winning, forgiving, and knowing love and unity in order to maintain friendship and friendship both before and after the election Including reducing violations of the election law. between applicants and all parties concerned in order to enter the reconciliation process This is considered an opportunity for those involved in the election. Have a view to living by following the rules and being generous to each other It's a beautiful culture. for the development of communities and society on the principles of creative democracy

The secretary-general of the EC also led the candidates in all 33 constituencies to declare their intentions in good faith in the election. with content that will protect the nation, religion, king and a democratic system of government with the King as Head of State will comply with the electoral law and strictly related regulations Will compete in elections according to the rules, knowing lose, knowing win, knowing forgiveness and knowing love and unity will maintain friendship a neighbor, a relative, a local brother Both before and after the election, will not cooperate or support election fraud. and buy rights to sell all forms of sound and pledged to compete in this election to be a good example for the country It will also be an important organ in the development of a democratic system of government with the King as Head of State to be stable. Sustainable .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency