Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Chada” is excited! Responds to “Rome”: Don’t play underground.

Parliament, The House of Representatives is furious! "Rome" brings up a picture of "Chada" posing with the PDRC group. Claiming to have instigated a serious situation is exaggerated. Asked how to create safety when the state creates its own ghosts, making "Shadda" very angry and retort with a trembling voice. If it's actually in the background, it's more fun. Screaming: Don't play underground. Confirming that there is a movement to overthrow the monarchy in the country. Can't accept it. Let them go live in another country. Reporters reported that The meeting of the House of Representatives was chaired by Mr. Phichet Chuemuangphan. The 2nd Vice President of the House of Representatives chaired the meeting. During the oral consideration of the urgent motion Requesting that the government expedite action with agencies involved in enforcing the law to review regulations, plans, and measures for the safety of the Royal Procession to be appropriate and up-to-date. Mr. Rangsiman Rome, party list MP for the Kao Kl ai Party, got up and debated that After the news of blocking the royal procession came out I must admit that the atmosphere was filled with fear. Which now can be obtained from the actual situation. He understands that Everyone has various feelings about this matter. But if you do not consider this matter with maturity and a steady mind, What everyone is creating is an atmosphere of fear. This resulted in physical attacks on activists in front of police and the media. Including public utilities in the middle of the capital where people pass by. Mr. Rangsiman said that what happened on February 4, the police performed their duties calmly. Keep the situation from escalating How to control the situation appropriately, with maturity, and in accordance with the actual situation I believe that if the movement intends to do something more than honking horns. There will probably be more measures taken by the police to provide security. According to the Security Act of 2017, Section 5 and Section 7 already provide br oad and sufficient powers to maintain security. Authorities can use their discretion to adjust measures to suit the situation that arises. 'I want everyone to be mindful. If what the activists did was truly illegal, I understand if the law would be applied. It is important to be transparent and consistent with what is actually happening. I would like to ask someone in authority: Is the offense consistent with the law that will be applied? Otherwise, it will become a new conflict and escalate until there is no end. The original problem is still not solved. New problems are coming. Today I am disappointed with the Prime Minister's attitude. who do not act as good elders of the country By saying that he and the Cabinet do not support violence. and request that the law be strictly enforced to protect the institution But they did not tell them to enforce the law against those who use violence. Will this turn into writing a blank check to those who use violence?' Mr. Rangsiman said. Mr. Rangsiman said that in the past, activist groups tried to use peaceful methods to exchange opinions by asking questions and sticker activities. This may cause mental anguish for some people. But it didn't hurt anyone. Mr. Kecha Saksombun List of MPs Party unites Thai people throughout the nation protested Mr. Rangsiman's discussion beyond the proposed motion. Mr. Rangsiman then stood up and explained that He wanted to say that security must be based on reality. And the important thing is to be conscious. If you don't talk about the reality that happened and are unconscious. How to keep it safe? Mr. Rangsiman said that the PDRC group posted provocative messages on social media. that he would slaughter a chicken for the monkey to see or Rajapakdee Vocational Group that threatens to manage the river According to the vocational way of fighting first, then talk. During this period, pictures of the PDRC group were used. which was taken with Mr. Chada Thaiset, Deputy Minister of Interior. without blurring the face Mr. Kecha then stood up an d realized again that Mr. Rangsiman had gone beyond the discussion of the motion. Mr. Rangsiman discussed that there were many other statements made by important people. Even Mr. Chada Talk about being ungrateful to the land. The situation was instigated to be far more serious than it actually was. and causing the whole society to feel unsafe How can the state create security measures? In the end, the ghost that was created came from you. If you continue to let the situation escalate If there is no awareness and the threat actually occurs, who will be responsible? and finally, those who use violence Then you don't have to take responsibility for anything. It should be found that the government is behind these people. Please don't let it get to that point. Mr. Chada stood up and exercised his right to protest against Mr. Rangsiman, saying that one member brought his own picture to discuss. giving rise to bad intentions which the most recent discussion of their own It happened on the day of the Prime Minister 's election and millions of people asked to take pictures with him. For one to participate in good activities is not considered wrong. which those who debate show very bad intentions create division and is about to lead oneself into something that is not right Create misunderstandings for the public 'Today I don't intend to discuss it, but I am damaged by the thought guidance you are giving the children. that you are doing It is the feeling of an ungrateful person. Acting like this It is a wrong action. It doesn't use the feelings of a good person. It is wrong. and it is not a creative explanation. Pak says he wants peace to be centered. But the behavior is not Today I listen to discussions all the time. And doing this is a very damaging action. How can the chairman of the meeting give permission? How can you offer something like this? And if I were to propose something like this, would there be a problem?' said the Minister of Interior. Mr. Chada said that he did not want to say that it was an inappropriat e action. And I don't want to say anything that is not related to the motion. And how can the president grant permission? for which the president had to apologize to himself As a failure to perform duties Inaccurate and unbiased But he will sue for using his picture in the discussion. Because what you are doing is trying to be legal. and be mindful I feel good after listening to it. This motion is about the protection of the royal procession which hurts the feelings of the people. But he is taking the matter outside of the issue of the consequences of the actions of the child or anyone else. How many times have you broken the law? 'Expressing with the heart of Thai people is no problem. But there is an abolition movement in this country that will undermine it. Don't say no. If you do this to me talk to me like this I'll say it all in a moment, confirming that today I don't want to say it, but my heart is full of patriotism. What you do is not creative. The mouth says it's developed. But what he did just now was very vile in my opinion. How did the chairman release this picture? Who gave permission? I don't mind the members, but I'd like to ask the chairman. Suddenly the discussion Create your own problems Don't say that there is no movement to overthrow the monarchy. I confirm that there is I am ready to take pictures with all the people who protect the institution. But what he will do with it, I don't know. I'm not involved. It's a different matter. You must have common sense in your actions. Don't talk about looking good but acting badly,' said the Minister of Interior. Mr. Chada said he would respond to anyone who spoke. Don't come to conflict with yourself. Don't do the wrong thing. Don't play underground. And don't demand that other people not play underground. The president must say who gave the permission and whether 'Does the president or officials have judgment or brains? I think it is an uncreative process. I understand opinions are different. I understand that your resentment was the day you were not Prime Minister. But I have never created conflict with any political party. Every politician's opinion is okay. But don't make a mess with your mobile phone while observing precepts,' Mr. Chada said. Mr. Pichet explained that he had not looked at the picture if there was a reference. How can I find the answer in this matter that is allowed? Ready to ask Mr. Rangsiman not to retaliate. and give Mr. Chada a chance He has shown his sincerity that it is not as presented. I want this meeting to be a problem-solving and creative event. Don't think that the opposition and the government are fighting back and forth. Because it will cause the conflict to expand more. Ask for members' cooperation in constructive and relevant discussions. Let there be a more careful approach. While Mr. Rangsiman Clarifies that the presented images have been properly submitted to officials for inspection and considered according to the system. which is the power of the chairman to have the final consideration In general, the formation of ministers can already be done. Waiting in the meeting I ask Mr. Chada to calm down. Because the formation did not incriminate him as the person behind it or incriminate Mr. Chada further. causing Mr. Chada to immediately respond that Doesn't additional incrimination mean that it was already incriminating? But Mr. Rangsiman tried to clarify that the message in the picture was not Mr. Chada's sentence. But it is a message from those who perpetrate violence. Then he might even think that there was someone behind it. But in reality, there may not be anyone behind it. This case is considered a good example. that politicians like us are linked to this group all the time Even though the action may not be to that extent. So I want to be conscious. Because many people have become adults already. Let's be mindful and be the basis for the country. Mr. Chada immediately responded that Actions clearly indicate intent: 'Actions clearly indicate intent. and there is an indication of bad intentions And this matter is no t a small matter... I felt that his intention was to connect with me behind it. If I was really behind the scenes, it would be more fun. I can tell you. Please don't let this kind of behavior happen in the House of Representatives again. I assume that you do not use common sense in considering your actions. ...Every Thai person can accept that (the royal procession) has land. I have a land to protect my head. If you can't accept it, go live in another country.' Mr. Chada Said. Source: Thai News Agency