Thailand Recorder

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“Chadha” inspects the water-drought situation in 3 central provinces.

Deputy Minister Chada inspects the water and drought situation in 3 central provinces. Ready to provide policy and follow up on the suppression of influential people in the area Emphasizing that it must be comprehensive, comprehensive, and strictly enforce the law. and finance

Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. at Chada Grand Hall meeting room. Uthai Thani Kindergarten School Uthai Thani Province, Mr. Chada Thaiset, Deputy Minister of Interior along with Miss Mananya Thaiset, Chairman of the Advisory Board Deputy Minister of Interior Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives and his team visited and listened to reports on the water and drought situation in 3 central provinces. including Uthai Thani, Nakhon Sawan and Chainat

Mr. Chada emphasized the policies of kamnans, village headmen and local administrative organizations. About influential people in the area, drugs, firearms, and solving problems for the people. By giving the district chief District police station superintendent, kamnan, village headman, inspector, kamnan, subdistrict doctor and assistant village headman Need to change behavior more In governance, we are dependent on the people. and have people accept their role in preventing the spread of gambling, influential people challenging state authority, especially district chiefs, kamnans, village headmen, District Police Station Superintendent Must be the main responsible person Must have a list of names Those who influence Influential network people, characteristics and details Having influence, both positive and negative, in terms of thinking, insulting the monarchy. Influential people emphasize both government officials and influential citizens. in each type So that Uthai Thani Province will be a pilot province of being a white province.

in other provinces That does not include the Bangkok area. such as Khon Kaen Province There have been reports of drug problems. As well as various things about bullying people. This is something we will not allow to happen. Now we have set up a center to receive complaints. The provincial governor himself went down to arrest Follow legal procedures From now on there will be things like this coming in continuously. And must use this space to spread the word to all citizens that they can report matters. Whether it is through the Damrongtham Center or according to the telephone number that he has provided .

Source: Thai News Agency