Thailand Recorder

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“Charius” urges the Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the police general, Eua, Sen. Song A, not to be punished.

Central Investigation Police, March 22 – "Intelligent" asked the DEA to investigate a metropolitan police general. Is it in the category of helping Senator Song A not to be punished? confirm that there is evidence against

Mr. Achariya Ruangratanapong President of Crime Victims Assistance Club filed a complaint letter to blame the commander of the Anti-Corruption Division (Bor Por Por Por) to investigate the behavior of the police general Under the Metropolitan Police Headquarters whether it is in the category of helping Senator Song A not to face criminal penalties or not

Mr. Achariya said that today he came to complain and blame. to prosecute such police officers because there is evidence that he ordered the police Investigation Division 2 Investigation Division Metropolitan Police Headquarters to stop investigating drug trafficking senator involved in drug smuggling anymore with incentives to help senators imprison

At the same time, the police officer who worked on this case was moved out of the area involuntarily and no offense Claiming the reason that 3 police officers had no apparent work in the past 4 months, despite the said police used to work in the drug industry And seized a large number of drugs, so it was viewed that the actions of the aforementioned general police officers were actions that neglected the performance of their duties and asked the NACC to investigate further steps.

At the same time, Mr. Intelligent also said that the case The senator prepares to sue the police officer. The Crime Victims Support Club is ready to provide lawyers to defend the case. confirm that there is evidence to defend the case for sure and he will provide information to the prosecutor's group In the case of an accusation of the senator about electricity bills from drugs on Friday, March 24 - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency