Thailand Recorder

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Chat Phatthana Kla Wade through the Bon Marche market.

Bon Marche Market, April 15- Chat Phatthana Kla leads 4 candidates to the Bon Marche Market area, Chatuchak District, saying that although it is a new party But the people responded Because there is a selling point, the economic policy is ready to join the government in all poles. Except for the minority, relying on the voice of the senators to support

Korn Chatikavanich, leader of the Chart Pattana Kla Party together with Mr. Attawit Suwanpakdee, secretary general of the party Visit the Bon Marche market area Campaign to help MP candidate Ms. Vivian Julmon, District 8

Mr. Korn said that the trend of the party's popularity is getting better and better. especially in the area Bangkok and the South which is as expected because at first it was a new political party But after campaigning for a while, the public understood the party's policies. especially in terms of economy and stomach This is a clear and practical policy. And from examining the qualifications of the party's MP candidates, it was found that there was no problem. Because the party has reviewed and selected the best candidates. As for the case of submitting party policy details to the Election Commission, it is now accelerating the details of the money. because of the policy we make will cause economic changes with very little budget And does not use the public budget, however, can be confirmed in time by the April 18 time frame for sure

The leader of the Chart Pattana Kla Party reiterated that after the election, he was ready to work with all political parties. Because we don't want to create conditions but want to work. There was only one condition: not to agree with the minority government. The party with the majority must have the right to form a government first.

while the atmosphere during the visit received feedback from the merchants and people who come to shop Most of them said with the same voice that want to solve problems with the economic system There is also a fan club of Nai Korn who asked to take pictures and ask them to make Thailand prosper.

At the same time, there are still some people who are still confused about Gaber Party and candidate Gaber. Because this year will be a 2-card system election, which is different from the year 2019, which was a single ballot.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency