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“Chatchart” joins in pouring the funeral ceremony and hosts prayers for Mathayom 2 students.

Bangkok, Governor Chatchart joins in pouring the funeral ceremony and hosting prayers for a Mathayom 2 student who was stabbed at school. Accelerate relief for the families of the deceased and children who witnessed the incident. Ready to adjust security measures in schools to be more stringent. In the case of a Mathayom 2 student who was stabbed to death by a friend at school, the deceased's mother and brother Travel to the scene of the incident The area in front of the flagpole in the school last afternoon They invited one monk from Wat Thong Nai to perform a ceremony to invite the spirits. and called the child home with the school director and teachers at the school attended the ceremony, which the atmosphere was filled with sadness Then family Traveled to perform the funeral watering ceremony at Wat Thong Nai. The atmosphere of the funeral ceremony inside Wat Thong Nai, Soi On Nut 25, with Mr. Chatchart Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok, hosting. A large number of officials from the Ministry of Public He alth, educational institution administrators, teachers and friends from the school attended the event. The funeral will be held until February 2 and the cremation will be on February 3 at 5:00 p.m. From questioning a group of friends who witnessed the incident, they said that at the time of the incident, they saw their friends running down the square in front of the flagpole with their hands on their necks. until it was seen that blood was flowing out With the perpetrator running after him holding a knife. Before someone went in to help kick the knife out of the perpetrator's hand. and provide first aid to students who were stabbed When inquiring about the personality of the perpetrator A group of friends said that The perpetrator couldn't stay still for long. Often found walking around the school building. And has quite a mood swing. But we rarely talked. Therefore, I cannot answer whether it is a special child or not. And it is not known if the perpetrator and the deceased had any problems before. But it i s confirmed that the perpetrators were not close friends. They're just friends who know each other. As for helping to provide relief to the families of the deceased, Mr. Chatchart Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok, said that in addition to compensation through monetary assistance, Staff and psychologists will closely monitor mental health. Including the physical and mental health of students who witnessed the incident. Initially, schools were closed for 3 days, with emphasis being placed on families to help notice if their children were showing unusual symptoms, such as depression. Or are you under stress? As for the school, it will emphasize stricter safety measures. Long-term care for children and youth who may not trust teachers or family enough to discuss various problems There will be discussions to develop an application where psychologists will be available to discuss and give advice. To further promote the mental health of children and youth As for the family on the perpetrator's side, there has been no discussion yet. Wait for the police to complete the process first. So I will go in and follow the progress again. Source: Thai News Agency