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‘Chatchat’ highlights 2 years of work, emphasizing efficiency, transparency, and raising the level of livable cities.

Bangkok, The Governor of Bangkok announces the results of 2 years of work, confirming that he has worked with emphasis on efficiency, transparency, and raising the level of a livable city. Push a new sidewalk Solve the flood problem and reduce it quickly, revealing that it will continue for another 2 years, accelerating the mega project to connect capillaries. Mr. Chatchat Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok Leading the team of Deputy Governors of Bangkok Statement to the media On the occasion of the 2 year anniversary of working under the title "2 years of work 'change, adjust' to raise the level of a livable city" and the management plan for the next 2 years, Mr. Chatchat stated that Bangkok was originally a fun city to visit. but low efficiency which makes people tired with living life and facing many obstacles Therefore, what has been done over the past 2 years has been changed and adjusted in many aspects to make work and problem solving flexible. more efficient Make people less tired and be happier with li ving life The Bangkok Governor emphasized that the past two years have been a period of work that has brought about structural changes in Bangkok through many policies and projects, which have affected the city's efficiency. For example, for example, in the "people-centered" dimension, there is the Traffy Fondue, where the governor has presented work that has seen concrete results in the past, such as adjusting the Traffy Fondue, reducing procedures, increasing transparency, over the past 2 years. Open for citizens to file complaints through Traffy Fondue. 467,743 issues have been resolved from a total of 592,842 complaints, accounting for 78% of the average time taken to resolve issues raised by citizens. From the original taking time of about 2 months, it has now been reduced to only 2 days. Reduce the process to make it easier to report complaints. The Governor of Bangkok also revealed new standard sidewalks that are durable, worthwhile, and considerate of everyone. Over the past 2 years, 785 km of sidew alks have been improved, while at the same time the floors at entrances and exits of buildings have been adjusted to be level with the sidewalks. for the disabled. In addition, we have organized hawkers and stalls to give people access to cheap food without disrupting pedestrian traffic. 257 points have been done, providing temporary sales space before expanding into the Hawker Center that will be completed this year. this as well as organizing cluttered communication lines in various roads, totaling a distance of 627 km. Another important problem is the problem of rain, water not draining, and difficulty traveling, which has been with Bangkok for a long time. Since lessons were learned and data collected on flooding points throughout Bangkok in 2022, 737 important points that needed to be fixed were found, which are now fixed. 370 points and another 190 points will be fixed in time in 2024. In addition, it is important to prepare for flooding before it rains. By cleaning 4,200 km of drainage pipes, cleanin g canals, opening waterways, digging 217 km of canals, inspecting all water pumps to ensure they are ready for use. The project to plant 1 million trees has now planted 935,000 trees, preparing The goal is to increase to 2 million trees. Mr. Chakkapan Phew-ngam, Deputy Governor of Bangkok, spoke about environmental work over the next two years to make Bangkok's air clean, in addition to implementing measures to reduce dust that have been continuously implemented. From now on, Bangkok's service vehicles, such as garbage collection trucks, water trucks, mobile toilet trucks, and 6-wheel trucks, will be changed from diesel-powered vehicles to electric vehicles instead. In addition, construction of an incineration plant to produce On Nut-Nong Khaem electricity is expedited. To reduce landfill and reduce waste management costs It is expected to open in 2026. Digital bus stop service. Traffic will be more fluid. By upgrading traffic lights throughout Bangkok to be Adaptive Signaling, adjusting the lights to be co nsistent with the traffic volume at 541 intersections, along with city monitoring, observation, and command through the Command Center, etc. Source: Thai News Agency