Thailand Recorder

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Chiang Mai is still flooded The level of toxic dust is higher than the standard in every area.

Chiang Mai 7 Apr- Toxic dust in Chiang Mai Still higher than the standard in all areas. The governor issued a warning notice. advised not to leave the house Ready to ask the government to organize a Work From Home system while people still have to take care of themselves and wear masks. I hope that the government seriously solves the problem.

The parents of a 5-year-old girl filmed their daughter in a car and her nosebleeds non-stop 3 times in a row, even after entering the department store, she still has symptoms. which is believed to be affected by the higher toxic dust value of course

while the governor of Chiang Mai Sign the declaration of measures to reduce toxic dust By asking all government sectors to organize a Work From Home system in the part that does not affect the mission that must take care of the people. And the private sector considers employees working at home for 1 day and asking the people of Chiang Mai. especially those who are vulnerable groups Refrain from leaving the house and wear a hygienic mask every time. Child care centers must have dust-free rooms. If not, please consider closing.

The governor of Chiang Mai revealed the criteria for issuing this announcement that he had assessed the situation for a while. When he saw that it did not improve and during these 2 days, the toxic dust exceeded the standard of 100 micrograms per cubic meter in every district. make the province and the provincial public health medical team must make a decision to issue such announcement To warn the public and give advice on how to deal with toxic dust. The situation will be assessed and warnings will be issued on a day-to-day basis.

While some schools and day care centers are not closed because of air purifiers already in place. Also in the summer Parents trust their children to come to school. because it is a safer place to breathe Ready to ask the government to support schools that need to take care of children. To have a thorough purifier as well consistent with some parents who bring their children to live in a dust-free room because some homes do not have an air purifier as the Chiang Mai Municipality Stadium Set up a dust-free room to support children during school breaks.

But some people who are vulnerable groups For example, an 88-year-old bedridden patient whose 85-year-old grandmother has asthma takes care of her and says she can't move anywhere. Must take care of yourself at home. which doesn't even have an air gauge Use only your eyes to see if there is more dust, less dust, and keep wearing masks. along with telling about the effects on health that he received, namely burning eyes, difficulty breathing especially grandfather Coughing so badly that I could hardly eat because I vomited.

While the people of Chiang Mai who are not a vulnerable group But had to come out to live to make a living Especially tricycle drivers and vendors who open roadside stalls. inhaling toxic fumes every day They said they were greatly affected. In addition to poor health Sales are also bad. For example, an uncle driving a tricycle said that almost no customers lost twice the income.

Chiang Mai people, regardless of occupation Everyone was affected by the toxic dust they inhaled. more or less vary Everyone has to take care of themselves initially by wearing N95 masks and refraining from leaving the house as much as possible. But everyone said in one voice that they wanted the government to focus on the breath of Chiang Mai people rather than issuing announcements asking for cooperation. Or wait for the rain to fall alone .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency