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“Chulphan” denies copying digital wallets from Japan, pointing out that the context is different.

Bangkok, "Chunlapan" denies not copying digital wallets from Japan. Point out that Thai-Japanese contexts are different. Ready to bring educational information to benefit Aom-am answers that the principal will be distributed in February 2024, expected to be clear this week.

Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Referring to the case of the Kaewklai Party, it was stated that the original digital wallet policy Coming from Japan, confirming that the prototype is not from Japan. But it used to be done in a similar way in 1999, in the form of giving out coupons. But personally I have seen the news and have also contacted to request information from Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, party list MP, Kaewklai Party, asked for information about this matter in Japan and Taiwan. To study and compare the advantages and disadvantages which believes that all parties understand that The context was different in 1999 and in the current year. and the conditions of Thailand and Japan There are differences. Therefore cannot be compared. But good lessons from the past can also be analyzed. in order to achieve success in the project

When asked about the postponement of the meeting of the subcommittee driving digital wallet policy. This makes people wonder if they will receive money from this policy in February 2024 or not. Mr. Chulphan said the target is still February 2024, which will be held this week. It should be more clear. But please be patient and wait a little longer. which will try to keep up with the original time frame But if it's really not in time It must be reported to Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. to request adjustment of the project time frame Because there are many factors

“It is important that we ensure that the system is secure. Citizens' information is in a safe place because it is private information. Considered to be the most important including legal mechanisms which we must comply with completely If there are any issues that are still stuck. You must gradually inquire and find a solution. in order to comply with the framework We cannot ignore it,” Mr. Chulphan said.

However, if it is not yet within the original time frame in February. Whether or not it must be postponed or not, Mr. Chulphan said he cannot yet give an answer. We have to wait and see. There should be clarity this week, while emphasizing that at this time there is no confirmation whether the money distribution will be postponed or not. and confirmed in the original framework given by the Prime Minister However, it must be considered to cover all dimensions.

As for the source of the money or the application, it is the main factor that may cause the distribution of money to be postponed. Mr. Chulphan admitted that everything is a factor that must be taken into account. Because every matter is equally important. We have to look carefully around. Because there is intense monitoring and inspection. which is considered a good thing Makes us doubly more careful. So that everything is in accordance with the legal framework. and get the most benefit However, it is confirmed that At this time, there is no discussion about the loan with the Government Savings Bank. and is waiting to report

In the past, the government has always confirmed that The source of the money to carry out the project is not a problem. But now there is no clarity. Is it because there is a problem in any part? Mr. Chulphan stated that it is because legal procedures must be followed. When the subcommittee There was a meeting and the relevant agencies were assigned to find information and compile a report and send it to the subcommittee. Now we must wait for the report to be forwarded to the full committee to make a decision. which is considered necessary by law and cannot be short-circuited and cannot take action related to the project without a resolution from the committee

While talking with the Prime Minister this morning There was no special order or instruction. and still cannot answer that the subcommittee meeting When will it happen? - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency