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Confirming that the government has not borrowed money from the BAAC, it will not cause a lack of liquidity.

House, "Chulphan" confirms that the government did not borrow money from the BAAC, using digital wallets. But it is a budget mechanism, confident that it will not cause the BAAC to lack liquidity. Don't forget that the government holds 100% of the shares. Developing "super apps" uses a budget of less than a billion. Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Referring to the case of the Union of Banks for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) meeting at the Ministry of Finance yesterday (22 April) to ask for clarification of the case. to put money BAAC to use in the project Digital Wallet in 5 issues that they sat and discussed and clarified. And they understand each other. Confirm that there is no problem. They want everything to be in accordance with the law. By the committee And the Ministry of Finance has already checked everything. Confirm that everything is correct. However, the government needs certainty. that there are any legal steps that the government must take, such as sendi ng it to the Office of the Council of State for inspection, which must be done As for whether or not a time period has been set for the Council of State to investigate, Mr. Chulphan said that it is not now. Because everything has a time period. However, he confirmed that he had no concerns. Because the government is confident that everything is done within a clear legal framework. Mr. Chulaphan confirmed the 5 questions of the BAAC labor union that they can all be clarified. Including the source of the money As for liquidity, this is not a concern because the BAAC can manage it. By the normal mechanism through the management of the bank. As for the reimbursement, it is based on the budget mechanism. The government must have a mechanism for repaying money according to Section 28 to the BAAC each year. Ready to confirm that Personally, I'm not worried that There will be a ripple effect. because the conversation went smoothly and understand each other Currently, the government is in debt. How much is the BAAC ? Mr. Chulapan said it is about 8-9 hundred billion baht. 'It is a budget mechanism. It's not a loan as people say in the media that the BAAC has misunderstood the loan. The government cannot borrow money from the BAAC. It is a budget mechanism called Quasi-fiscal measures It is a budget mechanism,' Mr. Chulphan said. Mr. Chulaphan confirmed to the BAAC union on 3 issues, namely that all mechanisms must comply with the law. Regulations and the stability of the BAAC bank must be strong which confirms that The government has a policy to increase the strength of the BAAC and importantly, the government holds 100% of the shares. There is no way the government will allow this mechanism to falter. While this year is an important year in helping farmers The government needs to use Measures according to Section 28, which every government has always done. Because it is a mechanism to reach out to agriculture without conflicting with international agreements And finally, it is a flexible mechanism to help farmers. a nd must not affect the welfare and well-being of BAAC employees Mr. Chulphan confirmed that the money in this project cannot be used to pay off debt. Because this is something the government has confirmed since the beginning. that they want to stimulate the economy If the money is used to pay back debt to the BAAC. It means that That money will go back to the state. There is no circulation in the economic system. Blockchain system part How will it fit into the government application? Because it is not conducive to financial transactions, Mr. Chulphan said that he is currently developing and operating the app. "The government" has been talking about it for some time. which is one of the applications that are expected Will be able to upgrade to the Super App. which is a matter of the ministry Digital for the economy and society and the Digital Government Development Agency will be responsible and proceed with system development In order to connect all statehood into the same app to serve as a connection point in the future, such as bank customers. No matter what bank it is will be able to connect with the government system and can enter the digital wallet system and confirm that developing this matter does not require a large budget, less than 1,000 million baht, and will be able to be used in the 4th quarter. As for the Paotang app, it is still one of the choice The government is also watching. Source: Thai News Agency