Thailand Recorder

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Constitutional Court rejects parliamentary request Ask the court to decide on the referendum

Constitutional Court, Constitutional Court Parliament's request rejected Ask the court to decide how many times to hold a referendum. About making a new constitution Explain that the court has already made a detailed and clear decision. Reporters reported that The Constitutional Court considered the petition of the Speaker of the National Assembly. Requested to consider and decide on questions regarding the duties and powers of the Constitutional Court according to Section 210, paragraph one (2), with reference to the Parliament setting the agenda and considering the draft constitutional amendment. that has provisions to create a new constitution There is still no result of the referendum on whether the people wish to have a new constitution or not. and in the case where Parliament is able to include a draft constitution amendment that has provisions to create a new constitution Arranging for the people who have the power to establish the Constitution to first vote in a referendum on whether a new constitu tion is appropriate or not must be done. The Constitutional Court decided not to accept the request for consideration. Because the court considered the facts according to the request and supporting documents and found that The Constitutional Court has the duty and authority to consider and decide on questions regarding the duties and powers of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Cabinet, and independent organizations under the Constitution. and the Organic Act on the Procedure of the Constitutional Court. This must be a problem related to power and duty that has already arisen. Therefore, including the agenda for the parliamentary meeting to consider the draft constitutional amendment is Duties and powers of the Speaker of the National Assembly according to Article 80 of the Constitution and Article 119 of the 2020 Parliamentary Sessions Regulations. This case is therefore not a problem regarding the duties and powers of the National Assembly. The substance of the petition i s only doubtful. and asked the Constitutional Court to explain the contents of Constitutional Court decision no. 4/2021, which the court has already ruled in detail and clearly Therefore, it is not a case of a problem regarding the duties and powers of Parliament that has arisen and therefore does not require legal conditions. Before the consideration, there were two court judges who did not participate in the consideration: Mr. Sumet Roycharoen, who was in the process of presenting an audience with His Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to take the oath of allegiance before performing his duties, and Mr. Udom Rathamamarit, who withdrew from consideration according to law. Procedure of the Constitutional Court Because he was a court expert who gave his opinion on the Court's decision No. 4/2021 and today's meeting of the Court's judges. The quorum is as specified by law, not less than 7 people. Source: Thai News Agency