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Internal Affairs

Continue to crack down on call center gangs.

Parliament, Minister of Digital Affairs Confirming that the government continues to crack down on call center gangs. Set up an Anti-Online Crime Operations Center (AOC) to provide comprehensive services to the public. Reporters reported that Today's Senate meeting (March 11, 2024) has considered the agenda for asking questions. Regarding the prevention and suppression of Call Center gangs, which has become more severe, Major General Osot Pawilai, a member of the Senate, asked the Prime Minister about the government's guidelines and measures to suppress gangs. which Mr. Prasert Chandraruangthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society Was assigned to answer questions instead. Explain measures to prevent and suppress call center gangs that The government is aware of solving such problems. which has become even more intense at present If looking back at the past, during the COVID-19 outbreak, people used social media more. This makes call center gangs use more social media technology. 'Ministry of Digital Ec onomy and Society Therefore, problem solving must be integrated with relevant agencies such as the Royal Thai Police. Bank of Thailand and Thai Bankers Association Anti-Money Laundering Office (ALO) and NBTC, including the establishment of the Anti Online Scam Operation Center (AOC) or AOC, is a center that provides integrated public services. The AOC hotline 1441 serves the public on an average of 3,000 lines per day. At the same time, an Emergency Decree on Measures for the Prevention and Suppression of Technology Crimes B.E. 2023 was issued, authorizing relevant agencies to investigate suspicious behavior and suspend transactions that are considered illegal. To stop the damage that may occur before it spreads widely,' Mr. Prasert said. Mr. Prasert said that the Ministry has publicized information to make people aware of the dangers and methods of fraud through all channels. Especially social media channels to make people aware and have immunity. Ready to expand the scope of work to cover all dimensions. a nd coordinate international cooperation through signing MOUs and joining the ASEAN Ministerial Forum on Digital to propose accelerating the fight against online fraud. In addition, the solution to the call center gang problem that is currently being implemented has continued to be effective. If in the future the solution still does not have concrete results The government is ready to elevate this problem to a national issue in order to jointly solve the problem further. Source: Thai News Agency