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Correctional Institutions do not provide photo files from the day “Bung” died, but parents are invited to view them.

Correctional Hospital, May 24 - "Bung's" lawyer raided and asked for CCTV footage of the resuscitation on the day Bung died. Reveals that the Department of Corrections does not provide files But please inform and invite Bung's parents to view the pictures. Mr. Kritsadang Nutjarat, lawyer for "Bung" or Ms. Netiporn Sanae Sangkhom, who died while in the custody of the Department of Corrections. Met with correctional officers at the Correctional Hospital. To request CCTV files At Bung's room on the morning of May 14 that he died. and CCTV images of the ICU room of the correctional hospital After talking for almost 2 hours, Mr. Kritsadang revealed that the Bung family had given it to him to ask for the CCTV files to see pictures of the incident. and the treatment steps of correctional officers on the day of the incident Whether there is standard resuscitation assistance or not But there was a conclusion from the correctional institution. CCTV image files are not provided for 3 reasons: 1. There are other peopl e in the image. Both staff and nurses Therefore, the rights of those appearing in the image will be affected. 2. The prison area is a security area and 3. Do not want to cause damage to the deceased. The lawyer for the Bung family said that the reason was not sound. In the case of pictures of other people Can be blurred to cover the face Prison is a high-security facility. The Department of Corrections had previously let the media look at it without notifying lawyers and relatives first. In the case of damage to the slug Relatives and family do not intend to release the CCTV files to cause damage to Bung. The Department of Corrections has confirmed that they will only invite Bung's parents to view the images but will not provide the files. If desired, petition to the Information Commission and the Administrative Court. Lawyer Kritsadang also said that the family needs CCTV files to verify the moment of unconsciousness and whether there was proper assistance or not. and wanted to analyze when he died because Thammasat Hospital It was stated that he had no vital signs since he was admitted. Confirming that Bung's family and lawyers want to determine the cause of Bung's death. Will I continue to sue or not? It depends on the decision of Sung's parents. As for parents, will they come and see the CCTV footage or not? We need to go back and discuss it again, even though we don't have CCTV footage from the correctional facility. There is treatment information. and autopsy information and CCTV images of Thammasat Hospital It is expected that it will take 2-3 days to conclude before determining the next move. While the Department of Corrections Issued a news document explaining that according to Mr. Kritsadang Nutjarat, a lawyer who received authorization from the Bung family to request information on images recorded from CCTV cameras while medical personnel Inspecting and treating Ms. Netiporn Sanae Sangkhom or Bung, I would like to inform you that in this case, the Correctional Institution, Royal Hospital has informed the lawyer that Still unable to deliver image data recorded from CCTV cameras inside the hospital correctional facility. to Ms. Netiporn's lawyer as requested Because this is a case that must be considered to ensure legality. and be fair to those involved who appear in the images recorded from CCTV cameras, including the privacy rights of the prisoners who were at the scene of the crime and the personal rights of medical personnel who were undergoing medical treatment at the time of the incident. Including inappropriate pictures of people who died. During the time the pain is being examined and treated Before the incident of death In the case of such personal rights It is considered a sensitive case which if released to the public could become a database and remain in the internet or social world. (Digital Footprint) without any guarantee that no matter how long time has passed, it may not be able to be removed from that system. Moreover, it is difficult to verify whether such information is still in the soci al media system or not, therefore it is considered random to cause damage to the deceased. deceased relatives and may cause damage to the government in terms of controlling and inspecting the treatment of prisoners within prisons. Therefore, the Department of Corrections is necessary to notify the consideration of providing such information to the parents of the deceased. and invited to make an appointment to inspect and discuss together with the correctional institution and to confirm that the family of the deceased has a need for the Department of Corrections Disclose such information The Department of Corrections would like to confirm whether or not it is possible to disclose information recorded from CCTV cameras as requested by the lawyer. Must adhere to the principles for disclosing other personal information. and of those with illnesses who are under the care and responsibility of the Department of Corrections. That is specified according to Section 15 (5) and (6) of the Official Information Act, B.E. 2540, together with Section 7 of the National Health Act, B.E. 2007, but this does not affect the rights of those who apply. Such information will be appealed to the Information Disclosure Tribunal within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order. And please follow the official medical information and autopsy results from Thammasat University Hospital in order to receive correct information without any discrepancies Source: Thai News Agency