Thailand Recorder

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Corrections Department confirms it has not yet transferred ‘Sia Po’ to another prison.

Klong Prem Central Prison, Corrections Department spokesman confirms that "Sia Po" has not been transferred to another prison, seeing it as a possible attempt to create a situation. Mr. Sompop Sangkutkaew, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Corrections and the Department's spokesman, mentioned the case of the lawyer of 'Sia Po', a suspect in the money laundering and online gambling case, who filed a complaint to Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice, claiming that Sia Po was attacked with a sharp iron by a convicted prisoner at Bang Kwang Central Prison, who was being held there, with the intention to kill him, causing concerns about his safety. The Department of Corrections spokesman revealed that the incident occurred in January. Bang Kwang Central Prison has set up a fact-finding committee and found that it was a quarrel, not an attempt to kill him, and the two parties were separated. After the incident, the wounds were examined and nothing was found, and there have been no more incident s up until now. If it is truly an attempt to kill him, the prison will report it to the Department of Corrections, and the facts will have to be investigated further. In this regard, Bang Kwang Central Prison reported on the personal behavior of Sia Po since he was at Klong Prem Central Prison and transferred to Bang Kwang Central Prison. It was found that he was a person with his own unique style, creating situations or violence until there were problems. The prison has already taken action according to the guidelines, both by setting up an investigation committee and separating groups of people with problems from each other until Sia Po was transferred to Zone 10 for a period of time. Zone 10 is considered a special zone. There is no way that inmates from other zones would meet each other. As for whether it was a set-up to get himself transferred, it is considered possible that it was a situation created. However, the transfer of the prison must also take into account the condition of the prison. The cons ideration of transferring Sia Po depends on whether there is a real attempt to kill and there is clear evidence or not. However, it is confirmed that Sia Po is still in the same prison and I just went to see him 2-3 days ago and he is still normal, no problems. As for the case where the Bang Kwang Prison Commander explained that he had sent a sample of the case where a lawyer claimed that Sia Po had coughed up blood from a respiratory disease for examination, and it was found that it was not blood but watermelon and something that looked like red water, the Corrections Department Spokesperson said that Bang Kwang Central Prison had not reported this matter yet. There was only a report that after the complaint was made that he was not feeling well and coughing up blood, the prison sent the inmate to see a doctor at Bang Kwang Hospital according to procedure and had already provided treatment. Source: Thai News Agency