Thailand Recorder

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Corrections ready to detain Thaksin in prison If you don’t have insurance

YT, Probation officer explains that there is no need to send officials to court with Thaksin even though he is on probation. Pointing out that if you don't go, you still won't break the conditions until you can't contact them. The Director-General of the Department of Corrections is ready to take "Thaksin" into prison if he doesn't receive bail tomorrow. Pointing out that if one is not sick, one cannot receive treatment outside of prison. Mr. Sitthi Suthiwong, Deputy Director-General and Spokesman of the Probation Department Referring to the case where prosecutors ordered charges against Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister. For an offense under Section 112 of the Criminal Code and scheduled to be sent to court tomorrow (June 18), that although Mr. Thaksin is currently on probation But because the said case happened before, it didn't happen while he was on probation. Therefore, they are not related and do not need to report to probation. The Probation Department does not have to send officials to a ccompany Thaksin. In the past, Mr. Thaksin Follow the conditions at all times. Before traveling outside the area to other provinces Notified according to regulations every time. and reported to the probation officer At the probation office Bangkok 1 every month, 4 months ago June is scheduled to report at the end of the month, so the deadline has not yet been reached. which is in accordance with the principles that generally apply to probationers. If you behave properly If the conditions are not violated, report yourself 4 times. The officer may grant a waiver. or can report every other month A Probation Department spokesperson also said that in the case of tomorrow, if Mr. Thaksin goes to court as scheduled, he will enter the normal court process. But if you don't go, you still won't immediately violate the terms of your probation. You must first look at the reason for not going. It may be sick or unwell. As for the Probation Department If there is news that Mr. Thaksin did not appear in court. There will b e officers going to look out to see if they are still in the area or not. Is something wrong with you not going to court? If the cause is truly necessary It was considered that the conditions of probation were not violated. Or if you go and don't find yourself, you'll have to follow and see where they are. Until you can follow Still not violating the conditions Until it is proven that Actually no longer there, unable to contact Initially, it must be assumed that the conditions have not yet been breached. The principles of probation emphasize giving opportunities to make corrections. In most cases, even if some conditions are found to be in violation, changes may be made. add conditions But not to the point of being sent back to prison. A high-ranking source revealed that in the case of Mr. Thaksin who is in the suspended punishment group Which will be due probation and release from prison on August 22, 2024, but if on this important occasion in July there is a royal decree granting a pardon Group of probatio ners from suspended sentences or the day of punishment is reduced, it will be eligible for immediate release from prison. While Mr. Sahakarn Petchanarin, Director-General of the Department of Corrections Revealed that if tomorrow (June 18) the prosecutor brings Mr. Thaksin Submit a lawsuit to the court If the court does not grant temporary bail And is there an order to be confined to any prison? That person will have to be taken into prison by correctional officers. This is separate from the old case in which he received a prison sentence and is currently suspended. Because this case of offenses under Section 112 and the Computer Crime Act is a new case. Each part is different. Must be imprisoned in the Bangkok Special Prison. Because it is a prison during trial As for Mr. Thaksin Currently on probation and probation Receiving a suspended sentence and probation, Mr. Sahakarn said that he must look at the results of the court's consideration tomorrow. If the court does not grant temporary bail Suspension of sentence will have no effect. Because the person who received the court order Must be taken to prison. However, the suspension will not end. Confirming that the right to parole still exists. The period continued as usual until 6 months had elapsed, only during the period when the court ordered the detention. The suspended sentence had no effect. As for the concerns of society, who may think that if they enter prison they will become sick. Will I have to be sent for treatment outside the prison for the second time or not? The Director-General of the Department of Corrections said that it will be sent for treatment outside the prison. It depends on the inmate's illness. If there is no illness The correctional service cannot allow the person to be sent out for treatment. As for the regulations for detention outside the prison It is still not completed. The details of various criteria are being considered. It has been confirmed that at this time they cannot be applied to any prisoners. But the Department of Corr ections is trying to expedite the framing of guidelines. Principles of conduct for correctional institutions and qualified inmates Because it's been overdue for a long time. Source: Thai News Agency