Thailand Recorder

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Court orders 15 police officers to be jailed for attending Kamnan Nok’s house in the case of shooting Inspector Siwa to death.

Bangkok, The Criminal Court for Corruption Cases orders the imprisonment of 15 police officers and civilians for helping the police perform their duties incorrectly - supporting officials who helped "Nong Tha Pha-Kamnan Nok" shoot Inspector Siw to death. The charges against one police officer are dropped. On April 9 at the Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases road along the railway Court reads verdict Black case number AT 206/2566 Red case number AT /2567 between prosecutors The Office of the Special Prosecutor, Suppression of Corruption Cases 3, filed charges against Police Lieutenant Colonel Kiattisak No. 1 and his associates, totaling 23 people, for offenses under the Criminal Code, Sections 83, 84, 86, 91, 92, 157, 184, 189, 200 of the Act. The constitution states that With the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption Act 2018, Section 172 (16 police officers were charged with offenses against official position or neglect to act) and 7 civilians in the offense of supporting officia ls in the wrongful performance of their duties (total 23 people) From the case of Police Lieutenant Colonel Siwakorn Saibua or Inspector Siwa or bank inspector Was shot dead at a party at Kamnan Nok's house on September 6, 2023, and assistance was provided to the perpetrator. The court sentenced defendants 1-3 and 5 to imprisonment for 2 years each, defendants 4, 6 -13, 15-20, 23 to imprisonment for 1 year and 4 months each, and defendant no. 21 to imprisonment for 1 year, 9 months, 21 days. Imprisonment for defendant no. 22 (Kamnan Nok) for 2 years. Imprisonment sentence for defendants no. 9 - 11, 19, 20, 23 to be suspended for 2 years. Charges against defendant no. 14 dismissed. As for the murder case, Police Lieutenant Colonel Siwakorn Saibua or Inspector Siwa or bank inspector The criminal prosecutor's office has filed charges against Kamnan Nok for the crime of using another person to commit the crime of murder. and attempted to kill others according to the Criminal Code, Section 60, Section 84, Sectio n 288. As for Mr. Nong Thapha, the perpetrator was extrajudicially killed. Therefore the case was sold. Source: Thai News Agency